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单词 崇论宏议

崇论宏议chóng lùn hóng yì

a speech in a most lofty vein; an eloquent speech; extensive talk; great essay or lofty exposition of point of view; lofty ideas and farsighted proposals
❍ 一位国粹家兼爱国者发过一篇~之后,就达到这一个结论。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅱ—28)This was the conclusion of a speech in a most lofty vein delivered by a patriot and champion of national characteristics. /例如近来有些看报的人,对于什么宣言,通电,讲演,谈话之类,无论它怎样骈四俪六,~,也不去注意了,……(《鲁迅选集 》Ⅲ—200)For instance,in recent times some newspaper readers have stopped paying any attention to declarations,telegrams,speeches or comments,no matter how eloquently phrased or grandiloquent.
❍ 且夫贤君之践位也。岂特委琐握𪘏, 拘文牵俗, 循诵习传, 当世取说云尔哉!必将~,创业垂统,为万世规。(《史记·司马相如列传》3051)When a truly wise ruler has ascended the throne,how can you expect him to give his attention only to petty deeds and trifles,to be bound by the letter of custom and led be common ways,to abide only by the stories and traditions of the past,seeking nothing more than the approval and delight of his own generation?Rather will he honour lofty ideas and farsighted proposals,embark upon new undertakings to insure the continuance of the dynasty,and provide a model for ten thousand ages to admire.

崇论宏议chónɡ lùn hónɡ yì

指与众不同,高出一般的议论。an exalted discussion and extensive statement





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