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单词 山摇地动

山摇地动shān yáo dì dòng

mountains shaking and earth quaking; earth-shaking
❍ 李鸿义一梭子大肚匣子响后,接着便是刘勋苍的炸药爆炸了,引起全洞的子弹、炮弹连续爆炸,震的~。(曲波《林海雪原》469) A shot from Little Li’s tommy-gun was followed by the explosion of the dynamite Tank had laid.All the bullets and shells in the cave blew up with an earth-shaking blast.
❍ 它们首先发出战马嘶鸣般地、深山虎啸般的嗥叫,然后炸裂开来,再发出~的怒吼,轰起腾空的烟柱,吐出嫣红的火舌。(吴强《红日》444) First they screamed like neighing war horses,like tigers howling deep in the mountains,then exploded with an angry roar that made the mountains shudder,threw up pillars of smoke that rose into the sky,and shot out splendidred tongues of flame.

山摇地动shān yáo dì dònɡ

山和地都在摇动。形容声势浩大。great in strength and impetus, earth-shaking





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