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occasionn. 1. opportunity,favourable time机会,有利时机。 △Mer1.1.64:“And you embrace th' occasion to depart.”你就借此机会离开。 △L.L.L.69:“His eye begets occasionfor his wit.”他的眼睛一看见什么,就为他的机智找到开玩笑的机会。 △As.4.1.183 (173): “that woman that cannotmake her fault her husband's occasion,” i.e. make it an opportunity to put her husband in the wrong; makeit a handle against her husband,or blame her husband as the cause of her fault. 一个女人,要是不会把自己的错处归咎于她的丈夫… △Tw.1.2 41 (43):“Till I had mademine own occasion mellow.” i.e. until I had made a good opportunity. 直到我找好一个成熟的时机。 △Tw.1.5.92 (87): “minister occasion to him.”给他一个机会。 △Ham.1.3.54: “Occasion smiles upon a secondleave.”可喜的机会使我能做第二次的告别。 △Ham.2. 215: “and to gather / So much as from occasion youmay glean,”遇到好机会尽可能搜集一些情况。 △1H.IV.1.3.275: “And only stays but to behold the face / Ofthat occasion that shall bring it on.”不过只等机会来到,就发动此事。 △1H.VI.4.1.130:“Much less to take oc-casion from their mouths / To raise a mutiny betwixtyourselves.”更不应该从他的口角之中找出机会在你们之间也掀起一场争斗。 △2H.VI.5.3.4: “And,like a gallant inthe brow of youth./ Repairs him with occasion?”像位风华正茂的勇士,由于有利的机会而重新焕发了青春。 take occasions: have occasions有机会。 △H.V.5.157(54):“When you take occasions to see leeks hereaf-ter,I pray you mock at’em,that is all。”以后你要有机会看到韭菜,我请你再嘲笑它,这就行了。 2. cause. reason原因,理由。 △Ado.1.3.3: “There isno measure in the occasion that breeds.” i.e. in thereason that causes it. 产生苦恼的缘由是无边无际的。 △Rom.2.4.168 (158): “I dare draw as soon as an-other man,if I see occasion in a good quarrel,andthe law on my side.”我拔剑不比任何人慢,如果我发现有正当吵架的理由,而且我们这一方有理的话。 △2H.IV.1.3.5:“I well allow the occasion of our arms.”我充分承认我们这次出兵的理由。 △2H.IV.1.3.86: “And publish theoccasion of our arms.” 并且宣布我们起兵的理由。 △1H.VI.3.1.154:“Especially for those occasions /At Eltham Place I told your Majesty.”特别是为了我在埃尔萨姆宫向陛下奏明的理由。 △2H.VI.3.1.2:“ ’Tis nothis wont to be the hindmost man. /Whate’er occa-sion keeps him from us now.”不管现在有什么原因把他耽搁住了,按照他的习惯他也不会迟到。 occasion of: cause for ... 的原因。 △ 3H.VI.3.1.43:“Ah,let me live in prison all my days,/ And when Igive occasion of offence. /Then let me die,”啊,让我在监狱中度过一生吧,以后我有什么事冒犯了你,再让我死。 on what occasion: for what reason 为什么理由。 △R.III.3.1.26: “On what occasion,God he knows,not I,/ The Queen your mother and your brotherYork / Have taken sanctuary.”你的母后和你的弟弟约克都逃到避难所去了,为什么原因,只有上帝知道,我可不知道。 3. motive动机。 △H.V.5.1.3: “There is occasionsand causes why and wherefore in all things.”一切事情为什么会这样,而不是那样,都有一定的动机和原因。 4. matter in question,subject,theme话题,题目,主题。 △Tw.3.4. 21 (18): “I sent for thee upon a sad occa-sion.”我找你来是为一件正经事。 △Mer.3.5.61 (55):“quarrelling with occasion !” i.e. at odds with thematter in question; defying the matter.脱离话题,不顾内容。 5. matter,business,incident. affair,事情.事件,事务 △Lr.2.1.122 (120): “Occasions. noble Gloucester.of some prize,” 因为,高贵的葛罗斯特,有些重要的事 △Ham.2.2.284 (271): “To visit you,my lord,noother occasion.”来拜见你,殿下,没有别的事。 △Ham.4.4. 32: “How all occasions do inform against me,/And spur my dull revenge!”怎么一切事情都在谴责我,鞭策我起来复仇! (又译:刺激我的迟钝的复仇之念!) on great occasion: for an important matter为一件重要事情。 △Oth.4.1.59 (58):“I would on great occasionspeak with you.”我有要紧事跟你谈。 6. events,course of events事件,事件进程。 △2H.IV.4.1.71:“And are enforced from our most quiet there/By the rough torrent of occasion,” i.e. by the rough torrent of events.被事件进程的粗暴激流所强迫,离开了我们平时享有的极大安宁。 △Mac.2. 2. 71 (67):“Get on yournight-gown,lest occasion call us /And show us to bewatchers.”披上你的睡衣,免得有事找我们时显得我们还没有睡觉。 7. need,requirement,necessity需要,必要。 △Mer.1.1.139 (138):“My purse,my person,my extremestmeans,/ Lie all unlocked to your occasions.” 我的钱袋,我这个人,我所有的资产,根据你的需要,你都可以使用.达到你的目的。 △Tw. 5.1.157 (153):“what occasion nowReveals before ’tis ripe.”现在尚未成熟就因故而不得不泄露出来的事。 occasion[ˈəkeiӠən]n.场合,机会 ◇by occasion of原因 for the occasion 临时 give occasion to a burst of laughter引起一阵欢笑 have no occasion to go没有必要去…来纪念…/ improve the occasion因势利导 mark the occasion by 以…来纪念…/ take occasion to利用机会…/to the occasion得体 ‖ occasion sentence情境句 occasioned cause偶因,偶因的,临时的 occasional adj.偶然的,有时的 occasional attribute偶然属性 occasional cause偶然原因 Occasional Conformity Bills终止暂从国教议案 occasional dumping偶发性倾销 occasional holidays非经常性假期 occasional income非经常收入,偶然收入,机会论 occasional line不定期航线 Occasional Conformity暂从国教 occasional monograph series不定期出版的专题丛刊 occasional overdraft临时性透支 occasional papers不定期论文 occasional poem应景诗 occasional study临时研究报告 occasional theatre应景戏剧 occasionalism n.偶因论,机会论 occasionalist n .偶因论者 occasionality n.偶然性 |