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❶ (地面形成的高耸的部分) hill; mountain: 翻 ~ 越岭 cross over mountain after mountain; tramp over hill and dale; 那 ~ 海拔六千英尺。 The mountain rises 6,000 feet above sea-level.
❷ (形状像山的东西) anything resembling a mountain: 冰 ~ iceberg
❸ (蚕蔟) bushes in which silkworms spin cocoons: 蚕上 ~ 了。 The silkworms have gone into the bushes to spin their cocoons.
❹ (山墙) gable; pediment
❺ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 涛 Shan Tao
◆山坳 col; level ground in the mountains or hills;
山崩 landfall; landslide; landslip; débacle; debacle;
山崩地裂 Mountains fall and the earth splits.; 山苍子 {中药} the fruit of a cubeb litsea tree; Fructus Litseae;
山茶 {植} camellia; camellia japonica;
山城 mountain city;
山重水复疑无路, 柳暗花明又一村 a sudden glimpse of hope in the dark mist of bewilderment; It's a long lane that has no turning.;
山川 mountains and rivers — land; landscape;
山鹑 partridge;
山慈姑 {植} edible tulip; edulis; rhizoma pleionis;
山村 mountain village;
山带 mountain belts;
山丹 {植} morningstar lily; lilium concolor;
山道 mountain pass; pass;
山道年 {药} santonin; santonica;
山地 mountainous region; hilly area; hilly country; fields on a hill; mountain land;
山顶 the summit of a mountain; the summit; top of a mountain; hilltop; culmen (pl. culmina); knob; crib; hill-crest;
山顶洞人 {考古} Upper Cave Man (a type of primitive man who lived ten or twenty thousand years ago and whose fossil remains were found in 1933 at Zhoukou ̄ dian near Beijing);
山东 Shandong;
山洞 cave; cavern;
山豆根 {中药} subprostrate sophora; Radix Sophorae Subprostratae;
山峰 mountain peak; mountain top; tind; knob; rock; peak; [爱] pin;
山风 {气} mountain wind; mountain breeze;
山旮旯儿 [方] faraway hilly area; out-of-the-way place in the mountains; remote mountain area;
山冈 low hill; hillock;
山岗子 low hill; hillock;
山高皇帝远 The mountain is high, the emperor far away — it is difficult to get justice.;
山高路远 The distance is far and the mountain is high.; with distance afar and mountains high;
山高水长 high as mountains and long as rivers—one's nobility [reputation] lasts forever; (of nobility of character) as high as the hills and as long as the rivers; of lasting influence;
山高水低 death; unexpected misfortune; sth. unfortunate;
山歌 folk song (sung in the fields during or after work);
山根 mountain root; root;
山梗菜硷 {药} lobeline;
山沟 gully; ravine; (mountain) valley;
山谷 valley; mountain valley; dale; ravine; gorge; glen;
山国 mountainous country;
山海关 Shanhai Pass;
山核桃 {植} hickory; pecan; hickory nut;
山和尚 {动} hoopoe;
山河 mountains and rivers — the land of a country;
山河易改, 本性难移 It's easy to change mountains and rivers, but hard to change a person's nature.; The leopard can't change its spots.;
山洪 torrential flood; mountain torrents;
山花烂漫 Mountain flowers are luxuriantly blooming.; bright mountain flowers in full bloom; Mountain flowers are growing everywhere.; The mountain flowers are in full bloom.; The mountain flowers are in riotous bloom.;The mountains are overspread with flowers.;
山货 mountain products; household utensils made of wood, bamboo, clay, etc.;
山鸡 [方] pheasant; berghaan;
山脊 mountain ridge; ridge; back; crest; arm; [苏格兰] drum;
山间(的) intermountain; intermontane;
山涧 mountain stream; mountain creeks;
山脚 the foot of a hill;
山口 mountain pass; pass; col; lak; gap; [西] puerto; corfe;
山廓 mountain region;
山岚 [书] clouds and mists in the mountains;
山梨 sorb;
山狸 beaver; mountain beaver;
山里红 large-fruited Chinese hawthorn;
山梁 ridge (of a mountain or hill);
山林 mountain forest; wooded mountain;
山岭 mountain ridge; ridge;
山麓 the foot of a mountain; mountain foot; piedmont;
山路 ghat; mountain road;
山峦 mountain range; chain of mountains; multipeaked mountain;
山脉 {地理} mountain range; mountain chain; ridge; montes;
山猫 {动} leopard cat;
山门 gate to a monastery; Buddhism;
山盟海誓 a solemn pledge of love; an unalterable oath of marriage; be constant in love; lovers' vow [pledge] of eternal loyalty; make a solemn pledge of love; exchange oaths high as the mountains and vows deep as the ocean; make mutual pledges; pledge of eternal love; plight one's faith [honour; truth]; plight one's troth; swear an oath of fidelity, vowing never to change until life's end; swear everlasting fidelity to sb.; swear inviolable oaths of mutual love and fidelity; swear to wait for sb. all one's life; swear unchanging fidelity in oaths high as the mountains and deep as the ocean;
山柰 {中药} resurrection lily rhizome; Rhizoma Kaempferiae;
山南海北 be separated far and wide; in different parts of land and sea; in distant places; live far apart from each other; south of the mountains and north of the sea — far and wide; all over the land;
山炮 mountain gun; mountain artillery;
山坡 hillside; mountain slope; sidehill; brae; versant; climb; downhill;
山墙 {建} gable; gable wall; pediment; head wall;
山穷水尽 the end of hills and rivers; be at [on] one's last shift [shifts]; be at [come to] the end of one's resources; be at [come to] the end of one's rope; come to a dead end; the condition that comes when one can do no more; where the mountains and the rivers end;
山丘 massif;
山区 mountain area; brae; sierra; [西] montana; hill;
山泉 mountain spring;
山雀 {动} titmouse; tit; willowbiter; tomtit; ox-eye; hill tit; chickadee;
山人 [旧] recluse; hermit; astrologer or fortuneteller;
山水 water from a mountain; mountains and rivers; scenery with hills and waters; {美术} traditional Chinese painting of mountains and waters; landscape;
山水画 mountains-and- waters painting; landscape painting;
山水诗 scenic poem; painting poetry;
山水[川]相连 be linked [joined] by rivers and mountains; be linked by the same [common] mountains and rivers; with adjoining mountains and rivers;
山松 illawarraash mountain pine;
山桃 {植} mountain peach;
山田 hillside plot;
山头 hilltop; the top of a mountain; mountain stronghold; faction;
山外有山, 天外有天 There are mountains beyond mountains, and heavens beyond heavens.; However the things may be perfect, there may always appear better ones.;
山窝 place enclosed by mountains; out-of-the-way mountain area; valley; gorge;
山坞 col;
山西 Shanxi;
山系 {地理} mountain chain; mountain system;
山峡 donga; gorge;
山险 a place strategically located and difficult of access;
山乡 mountain area;
山响 deafening; thunderous;
山魈 {动} mandrill;
山鸦 {动} alpine chough; chough;
山崖 cliff;
山羊 goat; {体} buck;
山腰 half way up the mountain; mountainside; hillside; brae;
山摇地动 The hills totter and the earth quakes.;
山遥水远 The mountains are high and the water wide.; far away;
山药 {植} Chinese yam; Rhizoma Dioscoreae;
山药蛋 [方] potato;
山野 mountains and plains;
山鹰 eagle;
山雨欲来风满楼 The wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains.; Coming events cast their shadows before them.; It is blowing up for rain.; The gale is raging and the storm is about to burst.; The rising wind forebodes the coming storm.; The turbulent wind precedes the mountain storm.;
山芋 [方] sweet potato;
山鹬 {动} woodcock; becasse; long bill;
山岳 lofty mountains; kop;
山楂 {植} may bloom; may tree; maythorn; maybush; ansu; hawthorn; haw; crabapple;
山寨 mountain fastness; fortified mountain village;
山珍海味[错] table delicacies from land and sea; a feast of fat things; all kinds of costly foods; exotic food from mountains and seas; nice dishes of every kind; the choicest delicacies of sea and land; the decicacies from land and sea; dainties of every kind;
山中无老虎, 猴子称大王 The monkey reigns in the mountains when the tiger is not there.; Among the blind the one-eyed man is king.; Monkeys are the kings when there are no tigers in the mountains.; When the cat's away, the mice will play.;
山茱萸 {中药} cornel; the fruit of medicinal cornel; dogwood fruit; Fructus Corni;
山庄 mountain villa;
山嘴 {地} spur; nose; nab; hoo





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