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be at one with; be fused with; be integrated with; become one with;become a harmonious whole;be unified as one; form an indivisible whole; identify oneself with; merge with; mingle with
❍ 现在实行了军衔制度和其他一些制度,但是上级跟下级还是要~,干部跟士兵还是要~,……(《毛泽东选集》 Ⅴ—421)Although the system of military ranks and other systems have been in stituted,those with higher rank should still be at one with their subordinates and the cardres with the soldiers,…/在战时,要密切联系群众,要官兵~,军民~。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—421) In wartime close ties must be forged with the masses,the officers must be integrated with the men and the army with the people.
❍ 军队须和民众~,使军队在民众眼睛中看成是自己的军队,这个军队便无敌于天下,…… (《毛泽东选集》501) The army must become one with the people so that they see it as their own army. Such an army will be invincible.…/当然也有困难,在新区地形不熟,人民还没有与我们~。(《周恩来选集》上—280) Of course,there will be difficulties. We are not familiar with the topography of the new areas and the people there have not yet identified themselves with us.


identify oneself with; become one with;merge(or mix)with

打成一片dǎ chénɡ yī piàn

形成一个整体。比喻紧密结合在一起。merge with, become one with, be at one with, be fused with, identify oneself with...





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