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❶ (宰杀) slaughter or butcher (animals for food)
❷ (屠杀) massacre; slaughter; kill Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 蒯 Tu Kuai
◆屠岸 a surname屠城 kill all the residents of a conquered city; massacre all the inhabitants of a captured city; massacre all residents of a conquered city; 屠刀 butcher's knife; 屠夫 butcher; sticker; a ruthless ruler;
屠龙之技 the skilled-art of slaughtering dragons — useless skill; Though having high attainments, the skill is unpractical.; 屠戮 [书] slaughter; massacre; 屠门 a surname; 屠门大嚼 feast oneself in imagination at the butcher's door — vain ambition; feed oneself on illusions; pass the butcher's and start munch ̄ing; When passing the butcher's chew a large mouthful.; 屠杀 massacre; butcher; slaughter; 屠烧 kill and burn on a conquered land;massacre the inhabitants and burn the city; 屠苏 an ancient wine; 屠羊 a surname; 屠宰 butcher; slaughter





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