(鸟类的一种) sparrow: 家 ~ 儿 house sparrow
另见 see also qiāo; què。
◆雀盲眼 [方] night blindness; nyctalopia
(鸟类的一科) sparrow
另见 see also qiāo; qiǎo。
◆雀斑 freckle; aestates; ephilis (pl. ephelides); lentigo;
雀巢鸠占 The sparrow's nest is occupied by a pigeon — to occupy what belongs to another.; usurp another's position; 雀鲷 coral fish; damselfish; 雀麦 bromegrass; brome; 雀鹰 sparrow hawk; accipiter nisu; 雀跃 jump for joy