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单词 居高临下

居高临下jū gāo lín xià

occupy a commanding position (/height); have a commanding view from a good vantage point; enjoy the advantage of a commanding position
❍ 倘若人马从背后杀出,~,这些堡呀墩呀,全无用处。(姚雪垠《李自成》 Ⅰ —150) If attacked from behind by troops coming down from the heights,they would prove useless.
❍ 小秃踞高临下地瞅见敌人四处奔逃的狼狈样,真是又好笑又好气。(冯志《敌后武工队》289) From his vantage point Xiao Tu could see the enemy running about in their state of utter confusion . He did not know whether to laugh or cry,…/石东根判断,那是敌人的炮兵移动阵地,计划用大炮~地轰击东孤峰,支援步兵的攻击。(吴强《红日》466) Shi Donggen decided that the enemy artillery was shifting its position with the intention of bombarding Dong gufeng from the higher elevation to cover their infantry attack.
❍ 马保军小组四个人,正立在山顶,向被炸昏在雪地上的匪徒射击,~,真得劲。(曲波《林海雪原》267) From the height Ma and his three men were pouring bullets into the grenade-shocked surviving bandits.

居高临下jū ɡāo lín xià

居:站在、处于;临:面对。站在高处,面对低处。形容站得高,看得远;也形容完全处于可以控制全局的有利地位或地势。occupy a commanding height, at a commanding position, look down from a height





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