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单词 opinion


1.judgement,settled conviction,impression判断,确信.印象。
△Lr.2.1.35(33):“Some blood drawn on mewould beget opinion / Of my more fierce endeavour.”身上刺出一点血,会叫人相信我曾经进行过一番激烈搏斗。
△ Lr.3.6.121 (112): “When false opinion,whose wrongthoughts defile thee.”那污蔑了你的错误判断。
△1H.VI.2.4.40: “he upon whose side/The fewest roses arecropped from the tree/Shall yield the other in theright opinion.”谁的那一方收到的玫瑰花数目最少.他就得承认对方判断正确。
2. public judgement,renown,reputation. prestige.credit公论,声誉,名望,威望,信誉。
△ 1H.IV.4.1.77:“It lends a lustre and more great opinion,/ A larger dareto our great enterprise.”这赋予我们伟大的事业一种光彩和更大的声誉,使它显得更加勇敢。
△1H.IV.5.4.48: “Thouhast redeemed thy lost opinion.”你已经挽回了你所失去的名誉。
△ Wiv,2.1.73(72): “ill opinions.”坏名声。
△ Oth.2.3.197(195):“your rich opinion”,你的宝贵名誉。
△Mac.1.7.32:“and I have bought / Golden o-pinions from all sorts of people.”我也赢得了各色人等黄金一般的好评。
3. good name,favourable opinion美名,赞誉。
△Mer.1.1. 91: “With purpose to be dressed in an opinion /Of wisdom,gravity,profound conceit,”为的是想得到智慧、庄重、思想深沉的美名。
4. public opinion公众舆论。
△Oth.1.3.225(224):“yetopinion,a sovereign mistress of effects,”但是舆论,那最能决定事情结果的女主人。(按:此处将舆论拟人化。)
△1H.IV.3.2.42:“Opinion,that did help me to the crown,”那曾经帮助我获得王冠的公众舆论。
△2H.IV.4.5.186(187):“To thee it shall descend with better quiet,/ Better o-pinion,”这顶王冠传给你,会伴随着更大的安宁,更好的舆论。
5. public scandal. gossip,rumour流言飞语,说三道四,谣言。
△2H.IV.5.2.127: “and to rase out/ Rotten o-pinion,”抹掉恶意歪曲的流言飞语.
△H.VIII.3.1.36:“Envy and base opinion”. i.e. Malice and low gossip.恶意和卑鄙流言。
6. self-conceit,arrogance,obstinacy 自大,傲慢,顽固。
△1H.IV.3.1.184 (183): “Pride,haughtiness,opin-ion,and disdain,”骄横、傲慢、自大和轻蔑。
△L.L.L.5.15: “learned without opinion.”博学而不自大。
7. unfavourable opinion. adverse judgement,censure不利意见,相反看法,非难。
△Oth.4.2.107(108): “Howhave I been behaved,that he might stick / The smal-lest opinion on my least misuse?”我一向是这样循规蹈矩,他怎能对我哪怕最微小的不端行为加以一丁点儿的谴责呢?
8. ❶reputation,honour名誉,荣誉。
❷public opinion公众舆论。
△1H.VI.2.4.53:“Opinion shall be surgeonto my hurt / And keep me on the side where still Iam.”荣誉(双关,公众舆论)定会像医生一样治疗我的创伤,使我仍然站在我原来的那一方。
9. ❶judgement,conviction裁判.确信。
△1H.VI.2.4.52:“If I,my lord.for my opinion bleed. / Opinion shall be surgeon tomy hurt,/ And keep me on the side where still I am.”大人.如果我为了我的裁判(双关:荣誉)而流血,荣誉定会像医生一样治疗我的创伤,使我仍然站在我原来的那一方。
10. ❶credit,reputation信誉,名誉。
❷settled convic-tion. ready intention既定的确信,现成的意图。
△H.VIII.Pro.20: “the opinion that we bring”,i.e. the reputa-tion or ready intention we bring with us. 我们所带来的信誉。(又译:我们既定的意图。)


◇ air one’s opinion发表意见
arouse public opinion唤起舆论
ask sb.’s opinion征求某人的看法
before the tribunal of public opinion受舆论裁判
change one’s opinion改变看法
express an opinion on对…发表意见
exchange one’s opinion交换意见
hold this opinion持有这种见解
in one’s opinion根据某人的意见
right to express one’s opinion发言权
seek (solicit) opinions征求意见
utter disregard for international opinion完全不顾国际舆论
‖ constructive opinion建设性意见
differences of opinion意见分歧
international opinion国际舆论
opinion book意见簿
opinion evidence意见性证据
opinion giver意见提供者
opinion leaders意见领导者
opinion polls民意测验,民意调查
opinion research民意研究
opinion seeker意见寻求者
opinion survey民意调查
personal opinion个人见解
world opinion世界舆论
opinions vary众说纷纭
opinionated adj. 固执己见的
opinionative adj. 固执己见的
opinionist adj. 发表自己意见的人,异教信仰者





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