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单词 always
释义 always /'alweiz; 51wez/ adv 1 at all times; without exception: 永远地; 无例外地; 总是: The sun ~ rises in the east. 太阳总是在东方升起。 (Always may be modified by almost, nearly or not.) (Always可以被 almost, nearly 或 not 修饰。) He's nearly ~ at home in the evening. 他晚上差不多总在家。 (Cf 参较) not ~ and hardly ever, I'm not ~ at home on Sundays, ie I'm occasionally away from home. 我星期日不一定总在家 (即偶然也会不在家) 。 I'm hardly ever (=very seldom) at home on Sundays. 我星期日几乎从不 (即极少) 在家。 2 (usu with the continuous tenses) again and again; repeatedly: (通常与进行式连用) 再三地; 累次地; 总是: He was ~ asking for money. 他老是要钱。 Why are you ~ finding fault? 你为什么总是吹毛求疵?




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