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单词 将心比心

将心比心jiāng xīn bǐ xīn

feel for others; judge other persons’feelings by one’s own; put oneself in sb else’s shoes; see things through other people’s eye’s;be sympathetic
❍ 他能够 “~,”设身处地地为人家着想,体贴人家。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》38) He is able to feel for others,place himself in their position,and be considerate of them.
❍ ~,你说,你们资本家的儿女是儿女,我们工人的儿女就不是儿女吗?(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—339) Put yourself in our shoes,and tell me whether the children of us workers aren’t the same as the children of you capitalists!/~,他很体贴菊咬金,就说:“你们两公婆,好好商量吧,她要是实在不肯入社,先不要提,等慢慢来。”(周立波《山乡巨变》177) He was sympathetic and very sorry for Gold-Biter,and said: “You two had better talk things over properly;if she really won’t join,drop the question and leave it till later.”

将心比心jiang xin bi xin

put oneself in another’s place

将心比心jiānɡ xīn bǐ xīn

用自己的心来比别人的心。比喻设身处地地替他人着想。be sympathetic, compare oneself to another, feel for others, have to see things through other people’s eyes





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