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单词 拿腔作势

拿腔作势拿班做势;拿腔做势ná qiāng zuò shì

act affectedly; with a great show of impor tance
❍ 倘或不依,太太是多疑的人,只怕疑我走了风声,叫他~的。(《红楼梦》567) …but if she refuses,my mother-in-law’s so suspicious she’s sure to think I told her and encouraged her to hold out.
❍ 两个秀才,拿班做势,在馆里又不肯来。(《儒林外史》66) The two Wang brothers made excuses and would not come,…/那贾环便来到王夫人炕上坐着,命人点了蜡烛,~的抄写。(《红楼梦》289) ❶The boy took a seat on the kang in her room,ordered candles to be lighted,and set about writing with a great show of importance.
❷He seated himself on Lady Wang’s kang,called for a candle to be lit,and,with a great deal of self-important fuss,began his copying.





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