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单词 air
释义 air1 /ea(r); er/ n 1 [U] the mixture of gases that surrounds the earth and which we breathe: 空气: Let's go out and have some fresh air. 我们出去吸点新鲜空气吧。 in the air, a uncertain: 不定的; 未定的: My plans are still quite in the air. 我的计划还未定案。 b (of opinions, etc) spreading about: (指意见等)传播的; 散布电: There are rumours in the air that... 有谣言传说…。 c (mil) uncovered, unprotected: (军)无掩蔽的; 无掩护的: Their left flank was left in the air. 他们的左翼无掩护。 clear the air, a make the air (in a room, etc) fresh again. 使(室内等之)空气恢复新鲜。 b (fig) get rid of suspicion, doubt, etc by giving facts, etc. (喻)提出事实等以澄清疑虑 → also castle, hot (8). 2 [U] the atmosphere as a place for aircraft to fly in; (attrib) of flying, aircraft, etc: 大气; (形容用法)飞行的; 飞机的; 航空的: air freight/ transport/travel. 空运货物(航空运输,乘飞机旅行)。 by air, in an aircraft: 乘飞机; 以空运: travel by air; 乘飞机旅行; send goods by air. 以航空运货。 3 [U] (radio) (无线电) on the air, broadcasting: 广播: Radio Lichtenburg is on the air 24 hours a day. 利克田堡广播电台全天二十四小时广播。 off the air, not broadcasting. 停止广播。 come/go on the air, start broadcasting. 开始广播。 come/go off the air, stop broadcasting. 停止广播。 Why has that station gone off the air? 那个电台为什么停止广播? 4 [C] (liter, naut) breeze, light wind. (文, 航海)微风。 5 [C] (old use) tune, melody. (旧用法)歌调; 曲调; 旋律。 6 [C] a appearance; manner: 容貌; 外表; 态度: He has an air of importance, seems to be, looks, important. 他有一种很了不起的样子。 The house has an air of comfort. 这房子看起来像很舒适的样子。 b (usu pl) (通常用复数) give oneself/put on airs, behave in an unnatural way in the hope of impressing people. 摆架子; 装腔作势。 airs and graces, foolish, exaggerated ways of behaving. 装腔作势。 7 (compounds and attrib uses) (复合字及形容用法) airbed n mattress inflated with air. 气床垫。 'air-bladder n (in animals and plants, esp seaweed) bladder filled with air, (动物及植物,尤指海藻体内之)鳔; 气胞。 'air-borne adj a transported by air. 空运的。 b (of an aircraft) having taken off; in flight: (指飞机)已起飞的; 飞行中的: We were soon airborne. 我们不久就升空了。 c (of troops) specially trained for air operations: (指军队)受特别训练以适于空中活动的; 空降的: an airborne division. 空降师。 'airbrake n brake worked by compressed air. (空) 气煞车; 风韧。 Air (Chief) 'Marshal, Air 'Commodore n highest ranks in the RAF. (英国皇家空军)空军大元帅; 空军代将。 'air-conditioned adj (of a room, building, railway coach, etc) supplied with air that is purified and kept at a certain temperature and degree of humidity. (指房间,建筑物,火车车厢等)装有空气调节设备的; 有冷气设备的。 'air-conditioning n this process. 空气调节。 air-'cooled adj cooled by a current of air. 空气冷却的。 'air cover n force of aircraft used to protect a military or naval operation, eg an invasion. 空中掩护(掩护陆海军作战的空军掩护机群,如在进袭时使用者)。 'aircraft n (sing or collective pl) aero-plane(s); airship(s). (单数或集合复数)航空器; 飞机; 飞艇; 飞船。 → the illus at the end of air. 参看 air1 末尾之插图。 'aircraft carrier n ship built to carry aircraft, with a long, wide deck for taking off and landing. 航空母舰。 aircraftman /-man; -man/ n lowest non-commissioned rank in the RAF. (英国皇家空军)空军兵。 'airscrew n crew of an aircraft. 空勤人员(一架飞机上的全体飞行人员)。 'air cushion n one inflated with air. 气垫; 气褥; 气枕。 'air-cushion vehicle n vehicle or craft of the hovercraft type. 气垫式船或车。 → the illus at hovercraft. 参看 hovercraft 之插图。 'airdrome n (US) aerodrome. (美)飞机场。 'air drop n dropping (of men, supplies) by parachutes from aircraft. (部队,人员,供应品之)空降; 空投。 'air duct n device, eg in an aircraft or a ship's cabin, for directing a flow of air for the comfort of passengers. 通风设备(飞机、船舱等中为旅客舒适而装置之导气管)。 'airfield n area of open, level ground, with hangars, workshops, offices, etc for operations of (esp military) aircraft. 飞机场(尤指军用机场)。 'air-flow n flow of air over the surfaces of an aircraft in flight. 气流(通过飞行中之飞机表面的空气之流动)。 (an/the) 'air force n (with sing or pl v) (与单数或复数动词连用) the part of a country's military forces that is organized for fighting in aircraft: 空军: (GB) (英) the Royal Air Force (RAF). 皇家空军。 'airframe n complete structure of an aircraft without the engine(s). 飞机构架 (不包括引擎) 。 'air gun n gun in which compressed air is used to propel the charge. 气枪。 'air hostess n stewardess in an airliner. (服务于客机中的) 空中小姐。 'air letter n sheet of light paper (to be) folded and sent, without an envelope, cheaply by airmail. 航空邮简。 'air lift n large-scale transport of persons or supplies by air, esp in an emergency. (尤指紧急时期之) 人员或物资的大规模空运; 空中补给; 空运。 'airline n regular service of aircraft for public use, 航空公司。 'airliner n passengercarrying aircraft. 航空公司的客机; 班机。 air lock n a (bubble of air in a pipe causing) stoppage in the flow of liquid. 使管中液体停止流动的气泡; 由此气泡引起的液体的停止流动; 气锁; 气闸。 b compartment with air-tight doors at each end. 气密室; 不通空气的小室。 'airmail n [U] mail (to be) carried by air: 航空邮件: 'airmail edition, (of newspapers, periodicals) printed on thin light paper for sending by airmail. (指报纸,期刊) (用薄而程之纸印刷以便航寄之) 航空版。 'air-man /-man; -msn/ n man who flies in an aircraft as a member of the crew, esp a pilot; (RAF) man of any rank up to and including a Warrant Officer. 空勤组员; (尤指) 驾驶员; (英国皇家空军) 准尉或准尉以下任何一级的空军士兵。 air-'minded adj looking upon flying as a normal and necessary method of transport. 赞成航空运输的; 热心航空事业的。 'air pillow n air cushion. 气垫; 气褥; 气枕。 'air-plane n (US) aeroplane. (美)飞机 'air pocket n atmospheric condition (partial vacuum) causing an aircraft to drop some distance: 气穴; 气潭; 气阱 (大气中的一种半真空状态,可使飞机突然下坠一段距离者): We had a bumpy flight because of air pockets. 我们的飞行甚为颠簸,因为遇到了一些气穴。 'airport n public flying ground for commercial use by airliners. 民航飞机场; 航空项。 'air-pump n pump for exhausting a vessel of its air. 排气卿筒; 抽气机。 'air raid n attack by aircraft that drop bombs; 空袭; (attrib, with hyphen): (形容用法,加连字号): air-raid warnings/precautions; 空袭警报 (预防措施); air-raid warden, person in charge of air-raid precautions. (应付空袭之) 防护团员; 民防队员。 'air rifle n = air gun. 'airscrew n aircraft propeller. 飞机之推进器; 螺旋桨。 → the illus at screw, 参看 screw 之插图。 air-,sea 'rescue n organization for, work of, rescuing airmen and passengers from the sea, eg by the use of motorboats or helicopters. 空海救护队; 空海救护 (在海上用汽艇或直升机等救助失事飞机的机员及乘客) 。 airshaft n passage for air into a mine. (矿坑的) 通风井。 'airship n gas-filled flying-machine with engine(s). 飞艇; 气艇。 cballoon, dirigible, 'air space n part of the earth's atmosphere above a country: 空域; 领空: violation of our air space by military aircraft. 军机之侵犯我们的领空。 'air speed n speed of an aircraft relative to the air through which it is moving, 空速 (航空器经过空气之速度) 。 'air-strip n strip of ground for the use of aircraft, esp one made for use in war or in an emergency. 起落地带 (尤指战时或紧急时期所开辟助临时狭长跑道) 。 'air terminal n terminus (in a town or city centre) to or from which passengers, etc travel to or from an airport. (城市中心区的) 航空站 (为旅客往返于飞机场之间的集散处) 。 'air-tight adj not allowing air to enter or escape. 不透气的; 气密的; 密闭的。 ,air-to-'air adj (of missiles) fired from one aircraft against another. (指飞弹) 空对空的。 air-to-'ground adj fired from an aircraft to hit a target on the ground. 空对地的 b 'air umbrella n = air cover. airway n route regularly followed by airliners; (pl) company operating a service of airliners: (民航班机所经称航行的) 航空线; (复) 航空公司: British Airways. 英国航空公司。 'ainwoman n (WRAF) woman of any rank up to and including a Warrant Officer. (英国皇家空军妇女队) 准尉以下各级之空军女士兵。 'airworthy adj (of aircraft) fit to fly; in good working order. (指飞机) 落航的; 适于飞行的; 机械运转情况良好的。 'airworthiness n




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