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单词 move
move/mu:v/ nv [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)移动,动作(act of moving)[U]:One~,and you are dead!你一动,我就打死你! One~out of you and we'll start shooting.你动一动,我们就开枪。With one~she was by his side.她一下就来到了他的身旁。He didn't make the slightest~.他一动也没动。watch sb's every~all the time 一直注视某人的一举一动;〖同〗movement,motion;
 (2)行动,步骤(one of a series of actions taken in order to achieve sth)[N(toward),N(to)][C]:And what's the next~then? 那么,下一个步骤是什么? a~towards settling the strike/improving child care facilities解决罢工纠纷/改进儿童保健设施的办法;a new~to restrict imports/curb hepatitis/stop the war 限制进口的/控制肝炎的/制止战争的新措施;The opponents,in a surprise~,changed their usual game plan.对手出人意料地改变了他们通常采用的打法。Accepting this job was a very good/smart/clever~.接受这份工作是正确/明智/聪明之举。〖同〗action,act,step;
 (3)迁居(移),换工作(等)(change of residence or place of businessetc)[C][N(from)(to/into)]:a long-distance~远途迁居;have/plan/make a~in the spring打算/计划/准备春天迁居;a~from London into (to) Paris从伦敦迁居巴黎;a~from a village into (to) the city从乡村迁居城市;a~from the town into (to) the country 从城镇迁居乡间;a~to a new office搬到一间新办公室;a~to a good job 换了一份好工作;I don't feel like another~just yet as I've only been working here for three months.我现在还不想调工作,因为我在这里刚工作三个月。
 (4)一步(着)棋(player's right or turn to make a play; the play itself)[C]:learn all the~s in chess学会下棋的所有走法;win a game in three~s 三步之内赢棋;Whose~is it ? 该谁走棋了?〖同〗turn;
 get a move on 赶快,快点(infml):We'd better get a~on before it rains. 我们最好抓紧时间,赶在下雨之前。
 make a move 1)起程,动身,离去:It's getting late,we ought to make a~.天渐渐晚了,我们应该走了。I think it's time we made a~.我想该是我们动身的时候了。2)采取行动(措施):The government is making a~to reduce food prices/ban traffic in some parts of the city.政府采取行动降低食品价格/在市内某些地段禁止通行。
 on the move 在移(运)动:It seems that the enemy troop are on the~.好像敌人的军队在运动。Civilization is always on the~.文明总是在不断发展进步。
 v (1)(使)移动((cause to)change in position from one point to another)[II+prepI+adv(about/around), T+nT+n+advT+n+prep]:can hardly~几乎不能动;tell sb not to~让某人别动;lay still without~ing 躺在那一动不动;The trees/A few leaves~ed in the wind (the breeze).树木/几片叶子在风(微风)中摇动。He~ed eagerly towards the door.他急匆匆朝门口走去。hear sb~ing about/around upstairs 听到楼上有人来回走动;“Move along/across/down/over/up please!”,said the bus conductor.汽车售票员说:“请往里走/走过去/向下走/走过来/向上走!”can't~one's hand/one's arm/one's foot/one's leg手/胳膊/脚/腿不能动了;I could scarcely~my dragging limbs.我疲惫的四肢几乎不能动了。He~ed his book/table/car.他挪动了他的书/桌子/汽车。~one's things off a desk把东西从书桌上拿走;~a chair closer to the window将椅子移得靠近窗户;~the troops to war area 将部队调往战区;The conference has been~ed from London to Paris.大会由伦敦移往巴黎。He only~s in diplomatic circles/with the best people/among a very small circle of people.他只与外交界/最理想的人士/一个小圈子的人士交往。have the furniture~ed in让人把家具搬进去;have the old woman's bed~ed downstairs 让人把老太太的床搬到楼下;have the piano~ed upstairs让人把钢琴搬往楼上;The rock was~ed aside.把石头搬到了一旁。〖同〗carry,remove;〖反〗stop,stay,arrest;
 (2)搬家,迁居(change one's place of living)[TI+prep(from)(to),I+adv]:have/decide to~得/决定搬家;Where are you~ing to?你要搬到什么地方去住?~(from some where)to the hotel/city/country/Scotland(从某处)搬到旅馆/城镇/农村/苏格兰;They have just~ed into a new flat.他们刚刚搬进一套新公寓。~from the sales department to the publicity department 从销售部门调到宣传部门工作;New neighbours are/Tenants are/My friends are~ing in today/out today/away today.新邻居今天搬进来/房客今天搬出房间/我的朋友今天搬走了。
 (3)走棋(子)(change the position of a piece in chess and other board games)[IT+n]:Hurry up and~.赶快,走棋。It's my turn to~.轮到我走棋了。~the king/the bishop/the pawn in chess走(国际象棋)王/象/兵;Would you~my piece for me?I can't reach from here.替我走一步好吗,我这里够不到。
 (4)进展(行)(make progressadvance)[II+adv(ahead/on)]:Time/The work/This book~s quick/slowly/really fast.时间迅速流逝/工作进展缓慢/这本书卖得很快。Furs~slowly in summer.夏天皮毛衣服卖不动。Share prices~ed(up/down)slowly yesterday.股票价格昨日变化(上/下波动)不大。Events now~ed (ahead on) swiftly.事情现在进展迅速。
 (5)感动,激起(make sb feel pity or have strong feelings about sb/sth)[T+nT+n+prep(to)]:Such kindness/The whole incident/Her tears~ed me profoundly.这样的热情使我深受感动/整个事件令我感动/她的泪水深深打动了我。I was deeply~ed by your speech.我被你的讲话深深打动了。The story/film/play~ed everyone to tears.这故事/影片/剧催人泪下。〖同〗touch,affect;〖反〗untouched,unmoved;
 (6)(使)改变看法(等)((cause to)change in opinion or the way in which you live or work)[IT+n]:Her opinion on the matter hasn't~ed. 她对这件事的看法没改变。We are~ing rapidly into the computer age.我们正迅速进入计算机时代。That's my final decision,and I'm not going to~on it.那是我的最后决定,我不打算改变。What I said will~him.我说的话会使他改变主意。Nothing can~him from his conviction/his decision/his determination.任何事情也无法改变他的信念/决定/决心。
 (7)促(驱)使(cause or persuade to actdosayspeaketc;prompt)[T+nC+n+to-inf]:~sb to open the box/look into the matter/reconsider the plan 促使某人打开盒子/调查此事/重新考虑计划;What~ed the President to take this step? 是什么促使总统采取这个行动?〖同〗cause,lead,get,prompt,motivate;〖反〗prevent;
 (8)(在会上)提(建)议(put forwardpropose sth or make appeal at a meetingfor discussion and decision)[T+nT+that(should)](fmal):~a motion提出一项动议;~an adjournment/an amendment 提议休会/提出修正案;~that a committee be set up/the money be used for library books/the proposal be accepted 提议设立一个委员会/建议钱用来为图书馆购买图书/采纳这个建议;〖同〗propose,suggest,recommend;
 (9)采取行动(take actionbegin to act)[I]:Let's quickly~before it's too late.让我们立即行动,现在还为时不晚。The time has come for us to make up our mind and~.该是我们决心行动的时候了。The government/The council ought to~to hold inflation right now/to repair this road straight away.政府应该立即采取行动抑制通货膨胀/委员会应该马上着手维修这条道路。〖同〗start off,begin;
 get sth moving使事情大有进展:Put some music on;that'll get things~ing.播放一点音乐,这会使工作大有起色。A new headmaster in the school will really get things~ing.该校新校长会使学校的工作大有进展。
 move for(v prep)(正式)提出请求(vt)(AmE):~for a new trial/a court adjournment恳请重新审理/法庭休庭;They wish to~for dismissal of the charges.他们希望申请撤销指控。
 move heaven and earth 竭尽全力:He~ed heaven and earth to get them to agree to his plan.他千方百计让他们同意他的计划。
 move in on 包围,移进:The police are~ing in on the criminals hiding in the house.警方正在逼近藏匿在房子里的罪犯们。The camera~ed in on the sofa for a close-up sequence.摄影机移近沙发,准备拍一组特写镜头。
 move off(v adv)离开(去)(vi):The troops~ed off before dawn.部队在黎明前开拔了。
 move on(v adv)1)离去,继续前进(vi):After three weeks in Hong Kong,we~ed on to Japan. 在香港逗留了三周后,我们又起程去了日本。2)命……走开,不要停留(vt):The police~ed the crowds on.警察命令人群离开。
 →′mov(e)able adj 活动的,移动的;′movement n;′mover n 行动者;搬运家具的人;原动力;′moving adj 移动的;发展的;起推动作用的;动人的;′movingly adv 动人地;动听地;′moveless adj 静止的,不动的;
 【辨异】move motion movement的区别见 MOTION。





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