释义 |
富fùⅠ ❶ (资源;财产) wealth: 致 ~ build up a fortune; 财 ~ wealth ❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 辰 Fu Chen Ⅱ ❶ (财产多) wealthy;rich: ~ 商 wealthy merchant;~ 人 rich man ❷ (丰富;多) rich;abundant: 年 ~ 力强 in one's prime;~ 于养分 be rich in nutrition;~ 于自我批评精神 be imbued with the spirit of self-criticism;~ 于创造性 be highly creative ◆富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈 Neither riches nor honours can corrupt him,neither poverty nor lowly condition can make him swerve from principle,neither threats now force can bend head.; 富国利民 enrich the state and bring benefits to the people; 富国强兵 make the country rich and military; 富矿 {矿} rich ore;high-grade ore;enriched ore; 富丽堂皇 wealthy,beautiful,grand,splendid and imposing;in majestic splendor;sumpluous;impressive-looking; 富民兴邦 rejuvenate the country and enrich the people; 富强 prosperous and strong;rich and mights富饶 richly endowed;abundant;rich; 富有 ❶ (拥有大量财产) rich;wealthy ❷ (大量具有) rich in;full of; 富裕 well-to-do;well-off; 富余 have more than needed;have enough and to spare; 富在知足 Wealth lies in contentment; 富足 plentiful;abundant;rich |