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单词 kill
释义 kill /kil; kil/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 2A] put to death, cause the death of: 杀死; 使死: ~ animals for food. 宰杀动物为食。 Thou shalt not ~, (biblical, one of the Ten Commandments). 汝不司 ■ 杀人(圣经十诚之一) The troops were shooting to ~, eg in a riot, shooting with the intention of ~ing,' not merely to warn or wound the rioters. 军队开枪射杀(例如平定暴动时开枪不仅为示警或伤害,而欲击毙暴动者)。 The frost ~ed the flowers. 严寒使花枯死 To ~ sb/sth off, [VP15B] get rid of: 除去; 杀掉: The frost ~ed off most of the insect pests. 严寒杀掉亍大半的虫害。 ~ time, find ways of passing the time without being bored, eg when compelled to wait for sb/sth. 消遣; 消荐时间。 ~ two birds with one stone, bird. 2 [VP6A] neutralize, make ineffective, by contrast: 中气 l; 抵消: The scarlet carpet ~s (— deadens) your curtains. 这猩红色的地毯中和了你的窗帘的颜色。 3 [VP6A] cause the failure or defeat of; veto: 使失敲; 否决: ~ a proposal/a Bill in Parliament. 否决一匝议 (国会议案)。 '~joy n person who throws gloom over those who are enjoying themselves. 扫兴之人; 败兴的人。 4 [VP6A, 2A] overwhelm; impress deeply. 令人不胜羡慕; 予人深刻印象。 ~ sb with kindness, harm him by being excessively or mistakenly kind. 盛意对待某人使感不安; 宠坏某人。 (be) dressed/got up 8 ~,dressed elaborately, so as to impress people. 打扮得十分迷人。 n (sing only) (仅用单数) 1 act of ~ing, esp in hunting. 疲(尤指铝独中)。 be in at the ~, be present when sth, eg a fox, is ~ed. 某物(例如狐)被杀时在场。 2 (in hunting) number of animais ~ed: (狩猎)猎获物的数自: There was a plentiful ~, many animals were ~ed. 猎获的动物甚多。 ~ Tng adj (colloq, dated) amusing: (U,H时亩语)希趣的: a ~ing joke; 有趣的笑话; exhausting: 令人筋疲力竭的: a ~滴 g experience. 令人筋疲力竭的经验。 a n make a ~ing, be extraordinarily successfuL 非常成功。 ~ingly adv ~er n one who, that which, ~s; (journalese) murderer. 杀人者; (二流新曲文体)凶手




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