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单词 家丑不可外扬

家丑不可外扬jiā chǒu bù kě wài yáng

conceal the family shame; do not give publicity to family scandals; don’t wash your dirty linen in public;domestic shame should not be made public; family troubles are not a thing to be talked about in public
❍ 对于这些不好的事情,即使我们想抱着 “~” 的态度,把它们掩藏起来,也是不可能的。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》57) Even if we wanted to do so by taking the attitude of trying to “conceal the family shame,” it would be impossible to hide such unpleasantness.
❍ 但他这样躺了好久,还想不出他该到哪里去找谁,才不至于惹人笑。~呀! (柳青《创业史》39) But after reclining in the field for a long time,he couldn’t think of anyone he could confide in without fear of being laughed at. Family troubles were not a thing to be talked about in public!/不要说习惯拿别人家里的纠纷当谈话资料的水嘴吧,即使旁的嘴紧人,老汉也不再往外嘀咕家内的实情啰。~嘛! (柳青《创业史》285) He wouldn’t complain about his private affairs even to someone who could curb his tongue,let alone to Blabbermouth who liked nothing better than to gossip about other people’s family troubles. You shouldn’t wash your dirty linen in public.

家丑不可外扬jia chou bu ke wai yang

the disgrace of a family should never be spread out


family skeleton;skeleton in the closet


Do not wash dirty linen in the public;Domestic shame should not be made public;An ill bird fouls its own nest.

家丑不可外扬jiā chǒu bù kě wài yánɡ

扬:宣传、张扬。家中不好的事不能向外界张扬。Don’t fouls its own nest. don’t wash your dirty linen in public, don’t give publicity to family scandals, conceal the family shame





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