释义 |
家jiāⅠ ❶ (家庭;人家) family;household: ~ 事 family matters;domestic affairs; 良 ~ 少女 a young girl of good family; 养 ~ support [maintain] one's family; 张 ~ 和王 ~ the Zhangs and the Wangs; 你 ~有几口人? How many persons are there in your family? 她出身于一个小康之 ~。 She comes from a well-to-do family. 我认为你是你 ~ 里唯一有想象力的人。 I think you're the only member of your household that's got an imagination. ❷ (家庭的住所) home: 不在~ not be in;be out; 回 ~ go home; 上我 ~ 去吧。 Come to my place. 我把这当作我的 ~。 I look upon this as my home. ❸ (经营某种行业的人家或具有某种身分的人) a person or family engaged in a certain trade: 船~ boatman; 农 ~ peasant [farm] family; 渔 ~ fisherman's family ❹(掌握某种专门学识或从事某种专门活动的人) a specialist in a certain field: 画 ~ painter; 科学 ~ scientist; 文学 ~ a man of letters;writer; 艺术 ~ artist; 政治 ~ statesman; 作曲 ~ composer ❺ (学术流派) a school of thought;school: 道 ~ the Taoist School; 法 ~ the Legalist School; 儒 ~ the Confucian School; 一 ~ 之言 a distinctive doctrine or theory;an original system of thought; 自成一 ~ (in calligraphy,painting,sculpture,etc.) have a style of one's own;have a unique or original style; 百 ~ 争鸣。 A hundred schools of thought contend. ❻ (同姓的人) member of same clan: 本 ~ a member of the same clan;a distant relative with the same family name ❼ (民族) nationality: 苗 ~ the Miao nationality ❽ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 安国 Jia Anguo Ⅱ (谦辞,用于对别人称自己的辈份高或年纪大的亲属) my: ~ 慈 my mother;~ 父 my father;~ 兄 my elder brother Ⅲ ❶ (饲养的) domestic;tame: ~ 兔 rabbit ❷ (内部的) internal: ~ 贼 pilferer working from within Ⅳ (用来计算家庭或企业): 两 ~ 人家 two families;3 ~ 饭馆 three restaurants;5 ~ 商店five shops; 一 ~ 电影院 a cinema 另见 see also jiɑ;jie。 ◆家蚕 bombyx;silkworm;Bombyx mori; 家产 family property; 家常 the daily life of a family;domestic trivia [triviality];家常便饭 homely food;ordinary fare;a common meal;potluck;simple meal; 家丑 family scandal;the skeleton in the cupboard [closet];家丑不可外扬 Domestic shame should not be made public.;Don't wash one's dirty linen in public.;Don't tell tales out of school.; 家丑外扬 tell tales out of school;expose one's own evil;wash (one's) dirty linen in public; 家畜 domestic animal;farm livestock;livestock;cattle; 家传 handed down from the older generations of the family; 家传户诵 become a household word;be sung in every family and chanted in every house; 家大业大 big household,lots of work; 家当 [口] family belongings;property; 家道 family financial situation; 家道艰难 suffer in one's estate; 家道小康 a well-to-do family;be comfortably off; 家道中落 The family is in straitened circumstances.;One's family fortunes declined.;One's family has come down in the world.; 家道衰微 decline in family financial situation; 家底 family property accumulated over a long time;resources; 家法 domestic discipline exercised by the head of a feudal household;a rod for punishing children or servants in a feudal household; 家访 a visit to the parents of schoolchildren or young workers; 家鸽 pigeon; 家和百事兴 If there is peace in the home everything will prosper.;If the family lives in harmony,all affairs will prosper.; 家伙 [口] tool;utensil;weapon;fellow;guy; 家计 [书] family livelihood; 家家户户 each and every family;all families without exception;every family;in every home; 家家有本难念的经 Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard.;Each family has its own problems.; 家教 family education;domestic discipline;upbringing; 家教虽严,丑事难免 Accidents will happen even in the best regulated families.; 家境 family financial situation;family circumstances; 家具 housefurnishings;gear;furniture; 家眷 wife and children;one's family;wife; 家口 members of a family;the number of people in a family; 家里事,家里了 What happens in the family can be settled in the house.; 家猫 babby; 家门 door of a house;family clan;the family of a high-ranking official; 家酿饮料 home brew; 家牛 ox;bullock;neat; 家奴 domestic servant;family slave; 家贫不是贫,路贫贫杀人 Poverty at home isn't poverty,but poverty on the road is killing.; 家贫如洗 One's family was reduced to absolute destitution.;as poor as a church- mouse;extremely destitute;utterly destitute;penniless;with nothing left; 家破人亡 The members of one's family are partly dispersed and partly dead.;The family is scattered and its members have escaped.; 家谱 family tree;genealogical tree;genealogy; 家禽 fowl;domestic bird;domestic fowl;poultry; 家史 family history; 家世寒微 be of plebeian origin; 家什 ultensils,furniture,etc.; 家书 a letter home; 家书抵万金 A letter from home is worth ten thousands pieces of gold.;Letters from home are precious.; 家塾 [旧] family school; 家属 family members;(family) dependents; 家私 [口] family property; 家庭 family;household;home; 家庭道德 morality of family; 家庭电气化 domestic electrification; 家庭环境 family environment; 家庭教师 home teacher;home tutor;tutorage;private tutor tutorship; 家庭解体 family disintegration; 家庭经济 family economy; 家庭联产承包 family-based contract linking output; 家庭联产承包责任制 household ontract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output;family-based contract responsibility system linking output with remuneration; 家庭伦理学 family ethics; 家庭美学 aesthetic education to family; 家庭企业 household industry;household business; 家庭社会学 family sociology; 家庭投资 family investing; 家庭学校 family school; 家庭文化 family culture; 家庭医生 family doctor; 家庭职能 family function; 家兔 rabbit; 家无二主 A house can't have two masters.; 家务 household duties; 家务累赘 be burdened with onerous household chores;family cares; 家务所缠[羁] be tied up [down] with the care of one's family; 家系 family; 家乡 hometown;homeplace;native place; 家小 [口] wife and children; 家信 a letter to or from one's family; 家用电器 household appliances; 家用电视制式[家用视频系统] video home system (VHS); 家用信息系统 home information system (HIS); 家用医疗器械 household medical instrument; 家学 knowledge transmitted from father to son; 家学渊源 be erudite through paternal teaching and influence;a family devoted to literature for generations;a family of scholars;learned family; 家燕 barn swallow; 家宴 family feast; 家业 family property;property; 家有千口,主事一人 A family has many tongues but only one master.; 家有万贯财,不如一身健 Health is better than wealth.; 家喻户晓 make known to every family;be known by one and all;Every family knows it.; let all the people understand fully;widely known; 家园 home;homeland;homestead;hearth and home; 家贼难防 A thief in the family is difficult to detect.;It's most difficult to forestall a thief within the house.; 家宅 home;homestead; 家长 the head of a family [household];patriarch;the parent or guardian of a child; 家政学 home economics; 家猪 hog; 家族 clan;family; 家族性 familial
家jiɑ[后缀] ❶ (用在某些名词后面,表示属于那一类人): 现在姑娘 ~ 也会开飞机啦! Nowadays girls pilot planes,too! 小孩子 ~ 别插嘴! You kids shouldn't interrupt! ❷ (用在男人的名字或排行后面,指他的妻): 秋生 ~ Qiusheng's wife 另见 see also jiā;jie。
家jie[后缀]: 整天 ~ all day long 另见 see also jiā;jiɑ。 |