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单词 家给人足

家给人足家给民足jiā jǐ rén zú

all live in plenty; each family is provided for (/well-to-do)and every household has adequate supplies and people live in contentment
❍ 行之十年,秦民大悦,道不拾遗,山无盗贼,~。(《史记·伍子胥列传》2231) By the end of ten years the people were well content. Nothing lost on the road was picked up and pocketed,the hills were free of brigands,every household was com fortably off.

家给人足jia ji ren zu

each family is provided for,and every person is well fed and well clothed

家给人足jiā jǐ rén zú

给:富足、富裕。家家富裕,人人饱暖。all live in plenty, every family is comfortably off, well-to-do homes and well-fed people





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更新时间:2025/3/3 6:11:58