审(審)shěnⅠ (详细; 周密) careful: ~ 察 careful observation; ~ 视 look closely at ; gaze at; examine Ⅱ ❶ (审查) examine; go over: ~ 稿 go over a manuscript or draft ❷ (审讯) interrogate; try: 公 ~ put sb. on public trial; ~ 案 try a case; 他因谋杀罪而受 ~。 He was tried for murder. ❸ [书] (知道) know: 未 ~ 其详 not know the details Ⅲ [书] (的确; 果然) indeed; really: ~ 如其言。 What he says is indeed true. Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 食其 Shen shiqi ◆ 审标 comparision and review of bid; 审查 examine; investigate; check; 审察 (with) careful observation; study carefully; 审处 try and punish; deliberate and decide; 审定 authorize; examine and approve; check and decide; 审订 examine and revise; 审读 check and approve; 审干 [简] examine the cadre's personal histories; 审稿 examine and approve manuscripts; 审核 examine and verify; 审计 audit; 审计标准 auditing standards; 审计准则 Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS); 审理 {律} try; hear; 审美 appreciation of the beauty; 审判 bring to trial; try; 审判员 judge; 审判员合议庭 panel of judges; 审判长 chief of judge; 审批 examine and approve; 审慎 cautious; careful; circumspect; prudent; 审时度势 judge the hour and size up the situation; adopt a wait- and-see attitude; await the proper moment (to ...); observe the times and judge the occasion; see how matters stand; see how the gander hops; see how the land lies; make a correct assessment of the situation; correctly appraise the situation; 审问 interrogate; question; examine; hear; try; 审讯 {律} interrogate; try; inquest; 审议 consideration; deliberation; discussion; consider; deliberate; examine; 审阅 check and approve |