宠(寵)chǒnɡⅠ (宠爱;偏爱) dote on;bestow favour on;pamper;confer favours: 得 ~ find favour with sb.;be in sb.'s good graces; 失 ~ fall out of favour; 别把孩子~坏了。 Don't spoil the child. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 羲 Chong Xi ◆宠爱 make a pet of sb.;favour;love ardently;dote on; 宠儿 favourite;minion; 宠坏 spoil; 宠辱不惊 remain indifferent whether granted favours or subjected to humiliation — unmoved either by gain or loss;not moved by official honour or disgrace;undisturbed either by favour or disgrace; 宠物 pet;pet animal; 宠物热 pet craze; 宠信 be specially fond of and trust unduly (a subordinate);favour and trust |