呕(嘔)ǒu (吐) vomit; throw up 另见 see also òu 。 ◆呕吐 vomit; throw up; retch; emesia; barf; anabole; emesis; sickness; vomitus; vomiting; be sick; 呕心 exert one's utmost effort; 呕心沥血 make painstaking efforts; make every effort to [do one's best to] achieve perfection; shed one's heart blood; spare no pains; strain one's heart and mind; take infinite pains; throw all one's energy into; through painstaking effort; work one's heart out; work indefatigably; work with might and main; 呕血 {医} haematemesis; spitting blood
呕(嘔)òu同“怄” [òu] same as “怄” [òu] 另见 see also ǒu。 |