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单词 act
释义 act1 /aekt; aekt/ n [C] 1 sth done: 行为; 举动: To kick a cat is a cruel act. 踢猫是残忍的行为。 It is an act of kindness to help a blind man across the street. 帮助盲人过街是慈善的行为。 Acts (of the Apostles), (NT) accounts of the missionary work of the Apostles. (新约)使徒行传。 2 pro cess of, instant of, doing; action. 行动; 行动之际。 (catch sb) in the (very) act (of doing sth). while performing the action: 正当其从事(某种行言) 之际; 当场(抓住某人): The thief was caught in the act of breaking into the house. 那贼潜入房舍之际当场被捕获。 In the act of (=While) picking up the ball, he slipped and fell. 正当其拾球之际,他失足跌倒。 Act of God, sth which is the result of uncontrollable natural forces, eg storms, floods, earthquakes. 天灾; 不可抗力 (如风暴,洪水,地震) 。 → also grace (3). 3 law made by a legislative body: (立法机构所立的) 法案: an Act of Parliament; (英国) 议院的法案; the Acts of Congress. (美国) 国会的法案。 4 main division of a play: (戏剧的) 一幕: a play in five acts; 一个五幕剧; Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 3. 哈姆雷特第一幕第三场。 → scene (5). 5 one of a series of short performances in a programme: 节目单上之一项短的表演; 节目: a circus /variety mr. 马戏表演 (综艺表演中的一项节目。 6 (colloq) pretence: (俗) 佯装: Don't take him seriously—if s just an ~. 不要把他看得太认真——他只是假装那样而已。 put on an act, (colloq) pretend; behave in an affected way (to get one's own way, etc). (俗) 假装; 装模作样。




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