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❶ (平静;稳定) calm;stable:心神不 ~ be ill at ease;feel restless;
天下大 ~。 General stability has been achieved in the country.
❷ (已经确定的;不改变的) fixed;settled;established:~ 评 accepted opinion;~ 数 fixed number;~ 息 fixed rate of interest Ⅱ ❶ (决定;使确定) decide;fix;set:~ 方针 decide on a policy;~ 计划 make a plan;
为小说中的主要人物 ~ 名 decide on names for the principal characters of a story;
划船比赛已正式 ~ 于4月2日星期四举行。 The boat-race has been officially fixed for Thursday,April 2. 我可以干,但我们得 ~ 几条规矩。 I'll do that,but only if we set a few rules.
❷ (固定;使固定) fix:~ 睛 fix one's eyes upon;~ 居在大连 fix one's residence in Dalian
❸ (稳定;使稳定) calm down;stabilize:~ 心 calm one's mind;
安邦 ~ 国 bring peace and stability to the country;
大局已 ~。 The outcome is a foregone conclusion.
❹ (约定) subscribe to (a newspaper,etc.);book (seats,tickets,etc.);order (merchandise,etc.) Ⅲ [书] (一定;必定) surely;certainly;definitely:~ 可成功 certainly will succeed;~ 可取胜 be sure to win Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname:~ 伦 Ding Lun
◆定点厂家 specially-designated factory;
定点企业 specialized enterprise;the enterprise of fixed position;specialized-designated enterprise;
定钱 earnest (money); deposit;
定亲 engagement (arranged by parents);betrothal;become engaged or betrothed (arranged by parents);
定然 certainly;definitely;
定神 (使心神安定) collect oneself;compose oneself;pull oneself together;(集中注意力) concentrate one's attention;take a grip on oneself;collect one's thoughts;
定时 timing;at regular time;fixed time;
定时器 timer;keyer;intervalometer;timing device;
定时信号 timing signal;timing wave;
定书 agreement;
定数 (规定的数额) definite number;(天命;天数;定命) fate;destiny;
定速 constant speed;
定位 (确定的位置) fixed position;location;orientation;allocation;localization;locating;(position) fix;positioning;position-setting;{刷} registration;register;(用仪器测定位置) orientate;position;fix position;
定位器 {工} locator;retainer;detent mechanism;hold-off arm;localizer;steady arm;positioner;
定温箱 incubator;
定息 fixed interest;fixed rate of interest on capital;fixed percentage of interest;pay a fixed amount of interest on capital;
定下 fix (up);set;
定弦 tune a stringed instrument;tune (up);
定线 {图} alignment;setting-out;
定像 fixation;fixing;
定向 directional;orient;orientation;sense of orientation;predetermined orientation;
定向天线 {电磁} beam [beamed] antenna;directional antenna [aerial];定心 {机} mark with the centre;centring;alignment;
定心丸 sth. capable of setting sb.'s mind at ease;sth. that soothes one's nerves;set one's mind at rest [peace];定型 (形成并固定下来) finalize the design;fall into a pattern;become fixed and unchangeable; get into shape [form];{医}(刻板症) stereotypy;
定形 (化学纤维和纺织生产中使纤维或其制品形态稳定的加工过程) setting;boarding;(成形) fixed form;fixiform;formalization;
定性 (对于犯有错误或罪行的人,确定其问题的性质) determine the nature (of an offense or a case);(测定物质的成分及性质) determine the chemical composition of a substance;{化} (定性的) qualitative;
定压 level pressure;
定样 {经} random sample;stratified sample;
定义 definition;delimiting;define;
定音 accordatune;
定音鼓 kettledrum;timpani;timpanum;
定影 {摄} photographic fixing;fixation;
定于 due to;scheduled to;
定于一尊 settle a given question on a single authority;
定语 {语} attribute;
定员 fixed number of staff members or passengers;
定则 rule;
定职 job orientation;
定植 {农} {林} planting;field planting;
定值 constant value;definite value;
定址 {自} addressing;
定置网 {渔} fixed net;set net;
定[订]制 custom made; custom-tailor; have sth. made to order;have sth. custom-made;
定准(儿) (确定的标准) established standard;(一定) surely;certainly;
定子 {生} (决定体;因子) determinant;determiner;(电机的静止部分) stator;
定罪 declare sb. guilty;convict sb. (of a crime);
定做 have sth. made to order [measure];custom made;customize;
定座 reservation


calm; still; stable





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