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单词 account
释义 account2 /kaunt; a'kaunt/ vt, vi 1 [VP3A] ~ for, a serve as an explanation of; explain the cause of: 解释; 说明: His illness ~s for his absence. 他因为生病, 所以才缺席。 Ah, that ~s for it! 呵,原来是这么一回事! He has been asked to ~ for his conduct, explain why he acted as he did. 他被要求解释他的行为 (说明他何以如此) 。 There's no ~ing for tastes. We cannot explain why people have different likes and dislikes. 人的好恶是无法解释的。 b give a reckoning of (money that has been entrusted to one) : 报帐: The boy has to ~ (to his parents) for the money they give him for school expenses. 该男孩必须 (向他父母亲) 报帐,说明他们所给他学杂费的支出细目。 c destroy; kill; capture: 摧毁; 杀死; 捕获: We ~ed for a fine brace of partridges. 我们猎获了一对很好的鹧鸪。 2 [VP25] consider: 认为; 视为: In English law a man is ~ed innocent until he is proved guilty. 在英国法律上,一个人未被证实有罪之前,被视为清白的。 ~able /-abl; -ski/ adj ~ able (to sb) (for sth), responsible; expected to give an explanation: 对某人 (某事) 负责; 对…应加以说明: I'll hold you ~able. 我将唯你是问。 A madman is not ~able for his actions. 疯子对自己的行为没有责任。




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