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单词 accept
释义 accept /ak'sept; ak'sept/ vt, vi [VP6A, 9, 16B, 2A] 1 (consent to) receive (sth offered): 接受; 答应 (别人所提供的事物): ~ a gift/an invitation. 接受礼物 (邀请) 。 He asked her to marry him and she ~ed him/hisproposal. 他请求她嫁给他, 她答应了他(他的求婚) 。 I cannot ~ your apology. 我不能接受你的道歉。 2 agree; recognize; regard with favour or approval: 同意; 认可; 赞同: I ~ that the change may take some time. 我同意改变颇费时日。 It is an ~ed truth/fact, sth that everyone believes. 这是大家所公认的真理 (事实) 。 3 (comm) take responsibility for: (商)承受…的责任; 承兑: ~ a bill of exchange; 承兑汇票; ~ delivery of goods. 负责送货。 ~able /-abl; -abl/ adj worth ~ing; welcome: 可接受的; 受欢迎的: if this proposal is ~able to you. 如果你觉得这个建议可以接受的话。 acceptability /aktsepta'bilati; sk,8epts-'bibti/ n acceptance /-ans; -ans/ n [U] 1 ~ing or being ~ed. 接受; 答应; 同意; 认可。 2 approval; favourable reception: 赞同; 嘉纳: The proposal met with /found general ~ance. 这建议得到普遍的赞同。 3 (comm) agreement to pay; (legal) contract, bill of exchange, which has been offered and ~ed. (商) 承兑; 认付; (法律) 经提出且被接受的合约; 已认付的票据。 acceptation /,aeksep'teijn; kscp'tejan/ n generally ~ed meaning of a word or expression. 公认的字义。




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