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单词 安内攘外

安内攘外ān nèi rǎng wài

maintain internal security and repel foreign invasion; enjoy domestic peace and resist foreign powers
❍ 民心之尊君亲上,如天如地,莫不忠勇奉公,诚意为国,故能~,讲信恤邻,以维持万世一系之皇统。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》359)…the people respect their Emperor and love their superiors as they do heaven and earth; and every one of them is loyal,brave,public spirited,and sincerely devoted to his motherland. This is why they are able to enjoy domestic peace,resist foreign powers,and take pity on their neighbours,in order to maintain the imperial line that shall continue unbroken for ten thousand generations.

安内攘外an nei rang wai

pacify the country and resist foreign aggression

安内攘外an nei rang wai

pacify the country and resist foreign aggression

安内攘外ān nèi rǎnɡ wài

安定内政,抵御外侮。maintain internal security and to repel foreign invasion, maintain internal security and to resist foreign aggression





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