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单词 太岁头上动土

太岁头上动土tài suì tóu shàng dòng tǔ

stir the earth over Taisui’s 〔the earth god’s〕 head—defy the mighty and ask for trouble; provoke sb. far superior in power or strength
❍ 她知道,不论别的什么事,大木匠都能依从她,可是她要碰了这些破铜烂铁呀,那就算是在太岁头上动土啦。(王汶石《风雪之夜》171) In her heart she was well aware that her husband would let her have her way in everything but if she meddled with his tools she was going too far and asking for trouble.
❍ 这个细妹子,敢在~,调起我的皮来了,好,好,我去告诉个人去。(周立波《山乡巨变》73) So a young girl like you dares to scratch Buddha’s head and tease me! Very well,I’m going to tell someone!

太岁头上动土tai sui tou shang dong tu

break ground where Taisui presides—provoke sb. far superior in power or strength


beard the lion in his den;challenge a stronger opponent; challenge higher authorities; defy the mighty; What impudence!

太岁头上动土tài suì tóu shànɡ dònɡ tǔ

太岁:木星。迷信的人相信太岁所在的方位不能随意破坏,否则将招致灾祸。因此兴建土木工程要避开太岁的方位。现多比喻敢于触犯有权势的人。provoke sb. far superior in power or strengh, challenge the marshal





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