释义 |
孤苦无依gū kǔ wú yībe left alone in the world;lonely and helpless ❍ 是在剑波六岁那年上,父母双亡,姐弟俩就开始了~的生活。(曲波《林海雪原》10) He had lost both his parents when he was six,and he and his sister were left alone in the world. ❍ ~的小道静,在冬天的长夜,常常偎在王妈的怀里,听她讲许多许多动听的民间故事。(杨沫《青春之歌》18) In her early years,the lonely,unhappy Daojing had often turned to Aunty Wang in the long winter evenings for one of the stories she could tell so movingly. |