释义 |
慢mànⅠ ❶ (速度低; 走路、做事等费的时间长) slow: 反应 ~ be slow to react; 你读得真 ~! How slow you read! 他干活很 ~。 He is very slow at his work. 我的表 ~ 了5钞钟。 My watch is five seconds slow. 这钟一天 ~ 两分钟。 This clock loses two minutes a day. ❷ (态度冷淡, 没有礼貌) supercilious; rude: 傲 ~ arrogant; haughty; 怠 ~ cold-shoulder; slight; 言词骄 ~ use arrogant language Ⅱ (从缓) postpone; defer: 且 ~! Hold on a moment.; Just a moment! 这事先 ~ 点告诉他。 Don't tell her about this yet. ◆慢班 an adjustment class; slow class; 慢板 {音} lento; 慢波 {电磁} slow wave; 慢步 slow time; jog trot; shag; 慢藏诲盗 Careless hoarding leads to thieving.; Carelessness in storing valuable things induces men to steal.; At open doors dogs come in.; An open door may tempt a saint.; 慢车 slow train; milk train; 慢待 treat rudely or discourteously; 慢动作 micromotion; action slow; slow motion; 慢火 slow fire; gentle heat; 慢镜头 {电影} slow motion; 慢慢 slowly; leisurely; gradually; 慢脾风 {中医} chronic infantile convulsion due to dysfunction of the spleen; 慢扫描 long scan; slow scan; 慢声细语 in a slow, soft voice; 慢衰落 slow fading; long-term fading; 慢说 let alone; to say nothing of; 慢速 low speed; idling; 慢腾腾 at a leisurely pace; unhurriedly; very slowly; sluggishly; 慢条斯理 in a leisurely manner; very slowly and imperturbed; drawl; at a slack pace; leisurely; unhurriedly; unhurried and unperturbed; mincing; very slow and unperturbed (in speaking); slow in motionslowly and methodically; 慢吞吞 irritatingly slow; exasperatingly slow; poky; languid; jog-trot; schlepp; 慢行 go slow; [苏格兰] ca'canny; crawl; balk ̄ing; 慢性 slow in taking effect; chronic; 慢性病 chronic disease; 慢性子 phlegmatic temperament; slowpoke; slow coach; 慢悠悠 unhurriedly; without haste; 慢着 hold one's horse(s); 慢中子 {物} slow neutron; low-speed neutron; 慢走 don't go yet; stay; wait a minute; [套] good-bye; take care |