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单词 孤臣孽子

孤臣孽子gū chén niè zǐ

a minister without support at court and a concubine-born prince fallen from grace; [usu. referring to those,though out of favour,remaining loyal]/~感到兴奋的事情越来越多……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》89) One thing after another made the Qing loyalists more and more excited…/独~,其操心也危,其虑患也深,故达。(《孟子·尽心上》)They are the friendless minister and concubine’s son,who keep their hearts under a sense of peril,and use deep precautions against calamity.On this account they become distinguished for their intelligence.

孤臣孽子gu chen nie zi

minister with little influence at court and prince born of a concubine falling from grace—loyal person who is out of favour

孤臣孽子ɡū chén niè zǐ

孤臣:古代指不被重用、孤立无援的大臣;孽子:古代称不是正妻所生的孩子。失势的大臣和地位卑下的人。a solitary minister and a perverse son, surviving courtiers, a supporter of a lost dynasty





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