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单词 mischief
mischief/′mɪst⨜ ɪ:f/ n [-s/s/]

(1)恶作剧,淘气,顽皮,捣乱(action or behaviouresp of childrenthat causes small troubles or annoyance to others)[U]:be up to/keep (stay) out of/act out of/be fond of/get into~搞恶作剧/不调皮/调皮举动/爱调皮/调皮;Most children enjoy~.大多数儿童乐意搞恶作剧。Go to bed;you've done enough~for today.去睡吧,你今天已经淘气够了。〖同〗wrongdoing,misbehaviour;

(2)淘气,顽皮(tendency to or act or behave in this way)[U]:have~in one's eyes 眼里流露出淘气的神情;incline to~rather than malice 喜欢调皮捣蛋,而不是有意干坏事;(sb/sb's eyes/sb's smile) be full of~(某人)很顽皮/(某人的眼神/微笑)流露出顽皮的神情;There was an air of~about him.他这人总有一种顽皮的神态。〖同〗naughtiness;

(3)淘气(捣乱)鬼(one that causes minor trouble or disturbance)[C]:The child is a little~in school.这孩子在校是小捣乱鬼。

(4)损(伤,危)害(damageinjurytrouble caused by an actiona personan animalor things)[U]:Some insects cause~to farmers. 一些昆虫给农民带来危害。The storm did~to the crops. 这场暴风雪使庄稼受损。The broken window was the~of vandals.这窗户是有人故意打破的。〖同〗damage,harm;

do sb/oneself a mischief肉体上伤害某人/自己(infml,joc):I always do myself a~when I tried to climb the wall/jump over the fence.我每次爬墙/跳越篱笆时总是伤着自己。

make mischief(between)搬弄是非,挑事:make~between us/the neighbors/the husband and wife在我们/邻里/夫妻之间搬弄是非;

→′mischief-maker n惹是生非者;′mischief-making n & adj 搬弄是非(的),挑拨离间(的);′mischievous adj顽皮(淘气)的;′mischievously adv 顽皮地;′mischievousness n 顽皮,捣乱





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