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(结婚) wed;marry: 晚 ~ marry at a mature age;
未 ~ unmarried;
已 ~ married;
早 ~ marry early Ⅱ (婚姻) marriage;wedding: 订 ~ contract a marriage;
拒 ~ reject marriage;
离 ~ break [dissolve] a marriage;divorce;
试 ~ a trial marriage;
晚 ~ late [deferred] marriage;
早 ~ early marriage;
杂 ~ a mixed marriage;
钻石[金;红宝石;银;锡;木] ~ diamond [golden;ruby;silver;tin;wooden] wedding
◆婚飞 {昆虫} mating flight;nuptial flight;swarming;
婚服缎 bridal satin;
婚后 after marriage;after wedding;
婚嫁 marriage;take a wife or marry a man;wed;
婚礼 wedding [marriage;matrimonial] ceremony;wedding;
婚龄 (legal) marriageable age;
婚配 marry;
婚期 wedding day;date of wedding;
婚前 before marriage;premarital;
婚前不睁眼,婚后傻了眼 Marry in haste,and repent at leisure.;
婚前检查 pre-marital check- ups;premarital consultation;
婚丧喜庆 weddings and funerals;
婚生子女 {律} children born in wedlock;legitimate children;
婚事 marriage;wedding;
婚书 a marriage contract [certificate];婚外 extramarital;
婚外恋 extramarital love;
婚姻 marriage;matrimony;
婚姻大事 the great affair of marriage — matrimonial affair;Marriage is a big event in one's life.;
婚姻道德 morality of marriage;
婚姻介绍所 match-making service;marriage agent;
婚姻调解 matrimonial dispute mediation;
婚姻自由 freedom of marriage;
婚姻自主 (They) marry whom (they) will,the parents having no control in that particular.;marry the partner of one's own choice;
婚羽 nuptial plumage;nuptial dress;
婚约 marriage contract;engagement;
婚赠 nuptial gift





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