释义 |
lispvi. 1. talk affectedly装腔作势地说话。 △L.L.L.5.2.324(323):“A' can carve too,and lisp;”他会扭捏作态,嗲声嗲气地说话。 2. speak affectedly,talk with a foreign accent说话装腔作势,带着外国口音说话。 △As.4.1.35 (33):“Farewell,Monsieur Traveller: look you lisp and wear strange suits: ”再见吧,旅行家先生:你必须说起话来带上外国口音,穿些奇装异服。 3. whisper,speak lovingly,make love说悄悄话,说私情话,求爱。 △2H.IV.2.4.288 (265):“And look whetherthe fiery Trigon,his man,be not lisping to hismaster's old tables,his notebook,his counsel-keep-er.” (While Falstaff is busy with Doll,Bardolph iswhispering lovingly to the Hostess.)看,他的仆人,那个火焰熊熊的三角星群正在向他主人过去的记事板、笔记本和心上人悄悄地说私情话哩。 lisp[lisp]n. & v.说话口齿不清 ◇ speak with a lisp口齿不清 ‖ lispingly adv. |