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单词 妄自尊大

妄自尊大wàng zì zūn dà

be given to swaggering;be puffed up with pride; be too big for one’s boots(/feet/breeches/trousers); get a swelled head;give oneself airs; have too high an opinion of oneself;megalomaniac; be overbearing (/overweening);play the peacock; be self-conceited (/self-important); think no small bear of oneself
❍ 吾与汝官品一般,吾久镇边疆,于国多劳,汝安敢~耶! (《三国演义》1006) His rank and mine are the same. I have held a frontier post for years and sustained many fatigues in the country’s service. Who is he that gives himself such airs?/王冕接过来看,才晓得危素归降之后,~,在太祖面前自称老臣。(《儒林外史》)14) Wang Mian read it,and discovered that,since his sur-render,Mr Wei had continued to indulge in foolish display,calling himself his sovereign’s old and trusted servant,…/我们的许多同志,喜欢对党外人员~,看人家不起,藐视人家,而不愿尊重人家,不愿了解人家的长处。这就是宗派主义的倾向。(《毛泽东选集》783) Many of our comrades tend to be overbearing in their relations with non-Party people,look down upon them,despise or refuse to respect them or appreciate their strong points. This is indeed a sectarian ten dency.

妄自尊大wànɡ zì zūn dà

狂妄地自高自大。be too big for one’s trousers(breeches), get(grow) too big for one’s boots, be self important, be eaten up by pride, lump large, think no end of oneself, play the peacock





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