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单词 如入无人之境

如入无人之境rú rù wú rén zhī jìng

like entering an unpeopled land—break (/smash)all resistance;meet with no opponents (/enemy resistance) as if entering no man’s land; advance unopposed; be irresistible; be with complete self-assurance
❍ 一种是不用两手,却只将直直的长脚,~似的踏过来,倘不让开,他就会踏在你的肚子或肩膀上。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—281)One type do not use their hands,but stride forward on long legs as if there were no one there; and unless you step out of the way,they will trample on your stomach or your shoulders.
❍ 她却是大无畏的,对于这些全不关心,只是镇静地缓缓前行,坦然~。(《鲁迅选集》上—142) She was quite fearless,however,and completely impervious to all this. She proceeded slowly forward,as calmly as if there were nobody in sight.
❍ 然而沙漠以外,还有团结的人们在,他们“~”的走进来了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—204) But beyond the sandy desert are men who band together and walk in as if to“an uninhabited land”./布东西冲杀,~。(《三国演义》46) Lu Bu went to and fro slaying all he met. He was quite irresistible.
❍ 朱延年几乎是用赛跑的速度在奔走,他~,只顾自己往前走。(周而复《上海的早晨》 Ⅰ—361) Zhu Yannian careered along the street almost as if he were running a race,looking neither to the right nor to the left and seemingly oblivious of the people around him.
❍ 云大喝一声,挺枪骤马,杀入重围; 左冲右突; ~。(《三国演义》620) With a yell he dashed at the encircling ring,thrusting this way and shoving that,so that every one shrank and recoiled before him.
❍ 战具比我们精利的欧美人,战具未必比我们精利的匈奴、蒙古、满洲人都~。(《鲁迅选集》 Ⅱ—118) The westerners with their superior arms,and the Huns,Mongols and Manchus,whose arms were not ne cessarily as good as ours,met with no resistance from us.
❍ 滇、黔、川、康地下武装复乘我后方兵力空虚之际,四出奔袭,~。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》104)Armed bands of Communists in Yunnan,Guizhou,Sichuan and Xikang are taking advantage of our shortage of military forces in the rear,and are carrying out raids with complete self-assurance.

如入无人之境ru ru wu ren zhi jing

like entering an unpeopled land—smashing all resistance


like entering an uninhabited land—smashing all resistance; meeting no resistance

如入无人之境rú rù wú rén zhī jìnɡ

好像到了没有人的地方。breaking all resistance, smashing all resistance





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