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单词 好好先生

好好先生hǎo hǎo xiān shēng

a jolly good fellow;a man who is always polite and never says no; one who tries not to offend anybody; say nothing and offend nobody
❍ 老虎头上扑苍蝇怎的?落得做~。(《儒林外史》86) Only fools catch flies on a tiger’s head. Much better say nothing and offend nobody.
❍ 就是病好了,我也会做~,得乐且乐,得笑且笑,一概是非都凭他们去罢: …… (《红楼梦》956) And even after I’m better I mean to take things easy—leave all responsibility to them and have a good time myself. So I’m paying no attention,as I said,to that report.
❍ 在这个学院里,大约除了贾克逊以外,最有势力的人就是他了,因为校长和院长都是有名无实的,贾克逊和他故意请一些他们认为是~的来充任,做招牌。(曹禺《明朗的天》11) Next to Jackson,Jiang is perhaps the most influential man in the Medical College because the college president and the hospital superintendent are only nominal heads,being “yes-man”deliberately invited by Jackson and Jiang to fill such post and to use them as figureheads.

好好先生hao hao xian sheng

one who tries not to offend anybody

好好先生hǎo hǎo xiān shēnɡ

指不分是非、与世无争、不愿或不敢得罪人、不坚持原则的人。one who tries not to offend anybody,yes man a jolly good fellow, a jolly good fellow





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