Ⅰ ❶ (罕见的; 特殊的; 非常的) strange; queer; rare; uncommon; unusual: ~ 事 a strange affair; an unusual phenomenon; 一幅 ~ 景 a rare fine view
❷ (出人意料的; 令人难测的) unexpected; unpredictable: 出 ~ 制胜 win victory through unexpected moves Ⅱ (惊异) surprise; wonder; astonish: 大为惊 ~ be filled with amazement; 这是不足为 ~ 的。 This is nothing to be surprised at. Ⅲ (十分; 很; 极) extremely: ~ 冷 extremely [exceedingly] cold; ~ 痛 unbearably painful Ⅳ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 晖 Qi Hui
另见 see also jī。
◆奇兵 an army suddenly appearing from nowhere; an ingenious military move; 奇才 prodigy; unusual [remarkable] talent; an extraordinary talent; 奇耻大辱 burning [howling; crying] shame; a great [stinging] insult; crying shame and crowning humiliation; deep [humiliating] disgrace; terrible humiliation [disgrace]; unprecedented [galling] shame and humiliation; 奇峰突起 Peaks tower magnificently.; A grotesque peak thrusts itself towards the sky.; 奇功 outstanding service; 奇怪 strange; odd; queer; surprising; curious; funny; 奇观 wonder; marvellous spectacle; wonderful sight; remarkable spectacle; an unco sight; impressive sight; 奇花异卉[草] exotic and strangely scented flowers; exotic flowers and rare herbs; marvellous flowers and rare plants; strange flowers and grasses; 奇花异木 rare flowers and uncommon trees; exotic trees and flowers; wonderful [exotic] flowers and rare trees [plants]; 奇幻 queer; strange; bizarre; 奇幻莫测 mysterious and hard to guess; 奇货可居 some goods in short supply, hoarded or cornered for making excess or enormous profit; a rare commodity worth hoarding to corner the market; goods kept back to raise the price; hoard as a rare commodity to corner the market; make a profit by cornering the market; set a high price and hold back; take advantage of a rare opportunity that comes one's way; take ... as a piece of rare goods; This is a rare article which should be held.; waiting to sell sth. valuable at a high price; 奇迹 miracle; wonder; marvel; wonderful achievement; 奇计 surprising move or stratagem; 奇景 wonderful view; extraordinary sight; 奇崛 [书] queer; singular; peculiar; 奇妙 marvellous; wonderful; intriguing; 奇南香 agalloch eaglewood; 奇巧 (of art or handicraft) ingenious; exquisite; 奇缺 critical shortage of; 奇辱 deep disgrace; 奇谈 strange tale; absurd argument; fantastic stories; 奇谈怪论 sheer fallacy; absurd [ridiculous] argument; absurdities; fantastic stories and theories; nonsensical and preposterous argument; strange and preposterous ideas; strange tales [tale]; 奇特 peculiar; queer; singular; striking; fancy; unusual; 奇文 a remarkable piece of writing; preposterous piece of writing; queer writing; 奇文共赏 A remarkable work should be enjoyed together.; a remarkable piece of writing to be shared together; A wonderful essay is appreciated by all.; share the pleasure of reading a rare piece of writing; 奇闻 sth. unheard-of; a thrilling, fantastic story; 奇袭 surprise attack; raid; 奇形怪状 of odd shape; badly dressed appearance; grotesque or fantastic in shape or appearance; of strange or grotesque shapes and sizes; sth. curiously shaped; 奇勋 [书] outstanding service; outstanding contribution; 奇异 queer; strange; bizarre; odd; surprising; curious; 奇遇 happy encounter; fortuitous meeting; adventure; 奇珍 rare treasure; 奇珍异宝 priceless treasures; an extremely rare treasure; rare jewels and precious stones; rare pearls and wondrous precious stones of dazzling beauty; very rare and valuable objects; 奇装异服 outlandish [singular; bizarre] dress; a fantastic garb; fanciful [exotic] costumes; fancy [flashy] clothes; outlandish [grotesque] clothing; strange fashions; strange, unusual [exotic] costume; weir fashions