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(防备) provide against;defend against;guard against:~ 患 guard against disaster;~ 身 defend oneself;
预 ~ take precautions;~ 病 prevent disease;
以 ~ 万一 be prepared for all contingencies;be ready of any eventuality Ⅱ ❶(防守;防御) defence:海 ~ coast defence;
边 ~ frontier defence;
布 ~ organize a defence;
国 ~ national defence
❷ (堤;挡水的建筑物) dam;dyke;embankment:堤 ~ dyke
❸ (姓氏) a surname:~ 广 Fang Guang
◆防白蚁 termite-proof;
防绑架 antikidnapping;
防雹 hail suppression;
防暴 antiriot;riot;
防暴警察 anti-riot police;
防爆 explosion-proof;
防爆灯 explosion- resistant lamp;
防爆震 anti-knock;
防备 guard against;take precautions against;premunition;
防变 be prepared for an unfavourable turn of events;get ready for any emergency;
防冰 {航空} anti-icing;
防病毒 antivirus;
防病治病 prevent and cure [treat] diseases;
防不胜防 impossible to guard against ...;impossible to defend effectively;no way to prevent [guard against] absolutely;Precautions cannot ward off sudden attacks;Preventive measures prove to be useless against such things.;The utmost care could not prevent it from happening.;very hard to guard against...;
防潮 dampproof;moistureproof;protection against the tide;
防虫 insect prevention;
防虫防鸟 ward off insect pests and bird attacks;
防除 prevent and kill off;
防串话环 crosstalk damping rings;
防弹 bulletproof;shellproof;
防盗 guard against theft;take precautions against burglars;
防盗门 pilferproof door; 防低空导弹 low altitude antiaircraft missile;
防滴(漏) antidrip;drip-proof;
防冻 freeze- proofing;prevent frostbite;antifreezing;
防毒 gas defense;anti-toxin;
防盾 mantlet;shield;
防范 be on guard;keep watch;keep a lookout;
防风 {植} Saposhnikovia divaricata;{中药} the root of fangfeng;radix sileris;windbreak;a surname;
防风雨 weatherproof;
防辐射 radiation protection;
防腐 antiseptic;anticorrosive;aczoiling;anticorrosion;antisepsis;corrosion prevention;corrosion resistant;
防腐蚀 anti-corrosion;
防垢(剂) antiscaling compound;antiscale;scale prevention;
防寒 winter protection;cold-proof;
防洪 flood protection;flood control;prevent or control flood;
防护 protect;shelter;shield;guard;shielding;protection;proofing;
防护林 protective forest;
防护试验装置 shield-test facility;
防滑 antiskid;anti-skidding;
防化兵团 antichemical warfare corps;
防化学兵 antichemical warfare corps;
防患未萌 nip in the bud;before any mischief is done;destroy at an early stage;stifle in the cradle;
防患未然 prevent trouble before it happens;crush the source of trouble in the egg [embryo];Destroy the lion while he is yet but a whelp.;nip in the blossom [bud];make provisions before troubles occur;provide against possible troubles;stifle in the cradle;take preventive measures;take precautionary measures;
防火 fire prevention;fire safety;fireproof;
防激光眼镜 anti-laser glasses;
防己 {中药} the root of fangji (Stephania tetrandra) ;防溅板 splash shield;
防溅挡板 splashback;splash baffle;
防菌 {工} fungi-proofing;
防空 air defense;antiaircraft;antiaircraft defence;
防空洞 air-raid shelter;bomb shelter;bomb-proof dugout;abri;a hideout for evildoers;a cover for wrong thoughts;
防狂犬病药 antirabic;
防痨疗养院 preventorium;
防痨协会 association of tuberculosis;
防老化 anti-aging;
防涝 prevent waterlogging;
防雷 lightning protection;
防裂唇膏 lip cream;
防裂膏 chapstick;
防凌 reduce the menace of ice run;ice prevention;
防漏 sealing up;
防漫溢 overtopping prevention;
防霉 mould proof;mildew proof;zymosis proofing;
防摩擦 antifriction;
防窃报警器 burglar alarm;intrusion alarm;
防窃听电话 a scrambler phone;
防区 defence area;garrison area;
防燃材料 flame resistant material;
防染 resist printing;
防热 solar heat protection;
防沙 sand prevention;
防渗 seepage control;
防湿 damp proof;
防蚀 anticorrosion;corrosion prevention;
防收锁 {航空} ground safety lock;landing gear;retraction lock;
防守 defend;guard;
防暑 heatstroke prevention;sunstroke prevention;
防衰剂 paratriptica;
防霜 frost prevention;frost protection;
防水 waterproof;water proofing;
防碎 breakage-proof;
防损 loss prevention;
防缩 {纺} shrinkproof;
防坦克 antitank defense;
防微杜渐 check erroneous ideas at the outset;be precautious beforehand;caution against small matters;destroy evils before they become menacing [apparent];guard against gradual creeping corruption [malpractice];nip [check;crush] a vice in the bud [in the egg];防伪标记 false proof mark;false proof seal;
防卫 defend;
防污 antifouling;
防污染 anti-pollution;
防雾 antifog;antifogging;
防务 matters pertaining to defense;defense;
防锈 antirust;rust-proof;rust protection;anti-corrosive;
防眩 anti-dazzle;non-glare;
防雪栅栏 snow hurdle;snow fence;
防汛 flood prevention [control];防氧化层 antioxidation coating;
防疫 epidemic prevention;antiepidemic;
防意如城 guard against one's (selfish) desires as if guarding a city against an enemy;
防油 grease proofing;
防雨 rain-proof;
防御 defense;
防御力减退 apophylaxis;
防原子 antiatom;
防灾 take precautions against natural calamities;
防灾抗灾 prevent and fight natural adversities [calamities;distress];防震 take precautions against earthquakes;shockproof;quakeproof;
防振 antihunting;antivibration;shake proof;
防止 prevent;guard against;forestall;avoid;
防治 prevention and cure;prophylaxis and treatment;preventive treatment;
防皱 crease-resistance;
防皱加工 crease-proof finishing;
防皱整理 wrinkle proofing;anti-crease finish;
防蛀 mothproof;antimoth;
防撞(击) anticollision;collision avoidance;crashproof;
防坠器 safety hook





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