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单词 夸夸其谈

夸夸其谈kuā kuā qí tán

talk big; become bombastic; boast; brag; be fustian (/gassy/grandiloquent); indulge in exaggeration (/verbi age); run off at the mouth; shoot off (one’s mouth);spout; spread oneself; stick it on; talk through one’s hat; talk hot air/“闭塞眼睛捉麻雀,”“瞎子摸鱼”,粗枝大叶,~,满足于一知半解,这种极坏的作风,这种完全违反马克思主义列宁主义基本精神的作风,还在我党许多同志中继续存在着。(《毛泽东选集》794) To behave like “a blindfolded man catching sparrows”,or “a blind man groping for fish”,to be crude and careless,to indulge in verbiage,to rest content with a smattering of knowledge-such is the extremely bad style of work that still exists among many comrades in our Party,a style utterly opposed to the fun damental spirit of Marxism-Leninism.
❍ 现在,如果他不提醒中校注意这一点,那么,罗伯特说不定又会在酒席上~的。(杨佩瑾《剑》92) Kleise therefore felt that unless Roberts was warned beforehand,he might leak things at the banquet once again.


indulging in exaggerations


indulge in exaggeration(or verbiage);sb’s blah-blah;talk big

夸夸其谈kuā kuā qí tán

指说话和写文章时不经过调查研究,就胡说八道。spread oneself, shoot off, shoot one’s mouth off, hot air, indulge in exaggerations, talk big, indulge in verbiage





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