n. pretended character冒名顶替的人(此词源出于George Gascoigne根据意大利诗人Ariosto剧本翻译的喜剧“The Supposes”——此剧1566年在伦敦演出,莎氏写“TheTaming of the Shrew”时曾参考借鉴)。
△Shr.5.1.120(117):“counterfeit supposes bleared thine cyne.”假冒的人蒙蔽了你的眼睛。
△2H.IV.4.5.59(61): “Is he so hasty that he doth suppose / Mysleep my death?”难道他那么性急,竟想我睡着就是死了吗?
2. conjecture,suspect,presume 揣测,猜疑,猜想。
△Com.3.1.101:“supposed by the common rout”,被一般人所猜疑。
3. be of opinion,think认为,以为。
△1H.VI.2.4.29:“If he suppose that I have pleaded truth,/ From offthis brier pluck a white rose with me.”如果他认为我表明了真理,就请他跟我一起从这刺丛里摘下一朵白玫瑰。
4. believe to be. hold to be,consider相信…为,认为…是,把…看做。
△2H.IV.1.1.202: “Supposed sincereand holy in his thoughts,/ He’s followed both withbody and with mind;”大家认为他的思想是诚恳而神圣的,所以就身心一致地追随他。
△1H.VI.5. 3. 110:“Say,gentleprincess,would you not suppose / Your bondage hap-py,to be made a queen?”说吧,好公主,假如你能成为王后,你难道会不认为你做了俘虏倒是幸运吗?
△Tw.1.5.279(258):“Yet I suppose him virtuous,”但是我想他是很有德行的。
‖ supposed spectator假设的旁观者
supposal n.想象,推测
supposing conj.假使
supposing that假定
supposition n.假定,想象,设想,推测
suppositional adj.想象的,假定的,推想的
suppositional proof假定的证明
suppositious adj.假定的,假设的
suppositive adj. 想象的,假定的 n.假定(连)词,假设词
suppositive conjunction假定连词
suppositive mood假定式