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单词 mercy
mercy/′mɜ:si, AmE ′mɜ:r-/ n [-yies/ ɪz/]

(1)宽容,仁慈,慈悲,怜悯(forgivenesskindness for sth wrong sb has done)[U]:show/give~to one's enemies/prisoners/captives/criminals对敌人/囚犯/俘虏/罪犯宽容;The merciless man showed the repentant sinner no~whatsoever.那残忍的人对有罪要悔改的人毫不留情。They had no/little/some~on innocent men and women.他们对无辜的人毫无/几乎没有/有些慈悲心。ask/beg/plead for~请求/乞求/恳求宽大处理;He begged the jury's~.他乞求陪审团宽容。throw oneself on the~of the court/judge/Queen/King 指望法庭/法官/女王/国王宽恕;an adversary wholly without~毫不留情的对手;~killing/flight 安乐死/急救飞行;〖同〗kindness,sympathy,charity;〖反〗cruelty,revenge;

(2)幸运(piece of good luck or sth to be grateful for)[C,通常sing][infml]:What a~(that) he escaped the fire/Mains had given up drinking! 他从火灾中逃生/梅因斯戒掉了酒,真是幸运!It was a~(that)she wasn't killed in the accident/no one was hurt/it didn't rain. 她在事故中幸存下来/无一受伤/没有下雨,真是侥幸。That's a~.那真是运气。Her death is a~.她的死是一种解脱。

at the mercy of 任凭……摆布(支配):The farmer was at the~of the weather. 农民靠天吃饭。The boat wat at the~of the wild waves. 小船逐浪漂流。The poor child was at the~of the gunman.可怜的孩子掌握在枪手手上。

→′merciful adj 宽容(恕)的;不幸中算幸运的;′mercifully adv 宽恕(容)地;′merciless adj 残忍(无情)的;′mercilessly adv 冷酷无情地





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