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单词 头昏目眩

头昏目眩头晕目眩tóu hūn mù xuàn

become(/feel) dlzzy
❍ 这隘口的两边,全是陡壁巨岩,上面挂满了对搂多粗的象鼻般的大冰凌柱,看去~,寒气侵人,只有中间一条十丈多宽的林带,可通进山。(曲波《林海雪原》466) The steep cliffs flanking the pass were hung with huge icicles like elephants’ trunks,each so thick it would take two men to embrace it. They were a dizzying sight,and their icy chill ate into your bones.Only by going through a grove of trees,about thirty metres wide,in the centre of the pass,could you enter the mountain.
❍ 一阵又一阵~,使她无力站稳脚跟…… (罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》72) Wave after wave of dizziness made her feel faint and she swayed on her feet.
❍ 他挣扎着想坐起来,可是一抬身,立刻感到一阵~,又倒在地上。(杨佩瑾《剑》311) He tried to get up but at once became dizzy again and fell down.





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