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单词 天翻地覆

天翻地覆天地翻覆;地覆天翻;翻天覆地tiān fān dì fù

heaven and earth turning upside down—a state of extreme confusion (/tremendous change);create a great commotion enough to upset anybody and anything; make a fearful fuss; world-shaking;earth-shaking; cataclysmic
❍ 嗨,若说起渔阳兵起一事,真是~,惨目伤心,…… (洪昇《长生殿》) Ah,that rebellion was a real catastrophe. It makes me sad to think about it; …/她们的思想她们的生活起了~的变化。 (黎汝清 《海岛女民兵》127) A cataclysm has taken place in their thinking and way of living.
❍ 虽然燕窝易得,但只我因身子不好了,每年犯了这病,也没有什么要紧的去处;请大夫,熬药,人参,肉桂,已经闹了个~了,…… (《红楼梦》559) Bird’s-nest is easy to buy,but my health is so poor that I fall ill every year and while it’s nothing serious I’ve already caused plenty of trouble,what with sending for doctors and preparing medicine with ginseng and cinnamon.
❍ 又值~,蕃镇纷纭。(孔尚任《桃花扇》)Chaos was loosened; warriors ran wild; …/薛蟠道: “真真的气死人了! 赖我说的我不恼,我只气一个宝玉闹的这么~的!”(《红楼梦》415)“You want me to burst with anger.”growled Xue Pan.“It’s not being wrongly accused that enrages me,it’s this fearful fuss you make over Baoyu.”/刚满九岁的欧阳海,他还不知道,一场~的变化已经到来。(金敬迈《欧阳海之歌》42) Hai was only nine. He didn’t know that a world-shaking change was taking place.
❍ 高家院子里闹得~,隔壁王红眼的姑娘王凤子却趴在墙头上看热闹。(《高玉宝》 35) The pandemonium in Gao’s Yard had been watched with great glee by Red-Eye’s daughter Fengzi from her perch on the wall.
❍ 为了一个病人, 把我们大家闹得~! (曹禺《明朗的天》47) They’ve raised hell with all of us just because of a mere patient!/当日为个秦钟,还闹的~,自然如今比先又加利害了。(《红楼梦》 405) If such a rumpus was raised that time because of Qin Zhong,much worse things are possible now.
❍ 真个是~,真个是人愁鬼怨。(洪昇《长生殿》)For ruin has seized the empire,And both men and ghosts lament.
❍ 正是地覆天翻日,龙争虎斗时。(孔尚任《桃花扇·截矶》)Truly the heavens reel,as dragon and tiger strive.
❍ 虎踞龙盘今胜昔,~慨而慷。(《毛泽东诗词》51)The peak is a coiled dragon,|the city a crouchingtiger|more dazzling than before. |The sky is spinning and the earth upside down. |We elated.
❍ 这是一支了不起的人马,他们在枣庄把鬼子闹得~。(知侠《铁道游击队》199) This was an outstanding column of fighterswhose miraculous deeds had already thrown the Japanese at Zaozhuang in to chaos.


heaven and earth turning upside down;earth-shaking
闹得~turn sth upside down;make a fearful fuss/~的变化earth-shaing (or tremendous)changes

天翻地覆tiān fān dì fù

覆:翻。形容变化巨大,多指制度或现状彻底改变。也形容秩序混乱。turn the whole world upside down, overturn heaven and earth, shake the very ground





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