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单词 大吹大擂

大吹大擂dà chuī dà léi

a high-pitched loose talk;ballyhoo; boast of sth loudly; braggadocio; brag about (/of); fuss and feathers; make (/raise) a big (/great) fanfare; put up a big show; talk big;trumpet (/boast) loudly about; drums and cymbals strike up; horns were blown and drums beaten with a mighty clamour
❍ 到那一日,~,匡超人纱帽圆领,金带皂靴,先拜了给谏会夫妇,……(《儒林外史》242) When the day arrived,drums and cymbals struck up as Kuang Chaoren,dressed in gauze cap,round collar,golden belt and black shoes,bowed to the censor and his wife.
❍ 便是不久以前,几位主持孔教会以“拚此残年极力卫道”的重责自任的遗老也曾在报纸上~地发表了梨园榜,…… (巴金《家》64) Not long ago,a few old timers who had been officials under the deposed Qing Dynasty—pillars of the Confucian Morals Society,too—made a big splash in the local press,publishing a list they had composed of the “best” female impersonators in the opera.
❍ 当日~,杀牛宰马筵宴。(《水浒全传》485) Then horns were blown and drums beaten with a mighty clamour and cattles were killed and horses also for a feast.
❍ 三位好汉依次而坐,~饮酒,商议打清风寨一事。(《水浒全传》423) Three good fellows all sat down in rank and loud music was made on flutes and drums and pipes. Thus they drank and thus they planned how they would attack the camp of Clear Winds.
❍ 黄昏时分,~起来。(《儒林外史》134)When evening came the musicians struck up.
❍ 宾主相待,坐定筵宴,当日~饮酒。(《水浒全传》555) As they sat at the feast table they drank and listened to the music of many instruments.

大吹大擂dà chuī dà léi

擂:敲鼓。原指乐器齐奏。现多比喻大肆宣扬,过分夸张。make a big noise, crow one’s head off, talk big, ballyhoo, fuss and feathers, beat the drum





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