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单词 大发雷霆

大发雷霆dà fā léi tíng

a show of anger; an explosion of rage; bawl at sb angrily; become angry;be enraged; be furious; be in (/fly into) towering rage; be incensed at (/against/by/with); blaze out a flare of temper; blow a fuse; break into a furious rage; burst into an angry speech; champ with rage; flare up; fly (/fall/get) into a passion;go up in the air; hit the ceiling; lose one’s temper(completely); rave with fury; storm; thunder against (/at) sb; work oneself into a passion
❍ 继则又想利用成岗的“胆大妄为”作为下一步~的依据,……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》172) Now he decided to take Cheng Gang’s “insolence”as an excuse of a show of anger.
❍ 不知怎样,妓家得罪了那位老爷,师爷~,把席面掀翻了……(吴趼人《二十年目睹之怪现状》)Somehow one of the prostitutes offended the associate,who became so angry that he turned over the table.
❍ 若在平素,桃叶妈早就雷霆大发了。(王汶石《风雪之夜》186)In ordinary days Ma would have lost her temper violently.
❍ 不料,妈妈~!(宗福先《于无声处》52) I was shocked when she rounded on me furiously.


be furious;flying into a rage;bawling at somebody angrily


fly into a rage;be furious;bawl angrily
他~。He became furious./老板~。The boss flew into a rage.

大发雷霆dà fà léi tínɡ

霆:非常响的雷。比喻大发脾气,大声呵斥。foam at the mouth, flare up, go up in the air, lose one’s temper, go off the rails, fly into a rage, a show of anger, become angry, be furious, blow a fuse, hit the ceiling, blaze out





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