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jarn. (lit.) musical discord; discord,disagreement,quarrel,conflict (本义)不和谐音;不和,争执,争吵,冲突。 △Com.1.1.11:“the mortal and intestine jars”,激烈的生死争斗。 △Gent.5.4.160:“include all jars”. 结束一切不和。 △As.2.7.5:“compact of jars,”充满了不和谐。 △1H.VI.1.1.44: “Cease,cease these jars and restyour minds in peace:”停,停止这些争吵,还是心平气和下来吧。 at jar: △2H.VI.4.8.44(41): “Were't not a shamethat,whilst you live at jar,/ The fearful French,whom you late vanquished. / Should make a start o'erseas and vanquish you?”当你们在争吵中讨生活的时候,你们最近所征服了的胆怯的法国人,却突然从海上打过来把你们征服,这岂不是一种耻辱吗? at jars: at discord,in quarrel,into quarrelling,inconflict不和,争吵,冲突。 △2H.VI.1.1.254 (253):“And Humphrey with the peers be fallen at jars.”亨弗雷与贵族们发生冲突。
jarvi. 1. be discordant,be out of tune 发出刺耳声,走调。 △Gent.4.2.68 (67): “when it jars so.”当它是这样刺耳。 △Shr.3.1.40 (39):“O fie,the treble jars.”哎呀,那高音刺耳。 △2H.VI.2.1.57 (55):“When such stringsjar,what hope of harmony?”琴弦走调,还能有和谐音乐的希望吗? 2. disagree,be at odds,quarrel意见不同,不和,争执。 △ 1H.VI.3.1.69: “O,what a scandal is it to our crown / That two such noble peers as ye should jar!”啊,如果像你们这样的高官显爵竟然互相争执,对于朝廷又是多么大的耻辱! jar[dӠɑ:]n.坛子,罐子,壶,龛,尊,瓶 ◇be on the jar门敞开,微开 ‖jarabe tapatic草帽舞 jarring adj.不和谐的,刺耳的,震动声,容器,电瓶/ v.刺激,发出刺耳声,震惊 narrow-mouthed jar小口瓶 pottery jar瓦罐 screw top jar螺旋口瓶 stone jar石瓮 wide-mouthed jar广口瓶 large-mouthed jar 广口瓶,刺耳声,冲突,刺激 |