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单词 大势所趋

大势所趋dà shì suǒ qū

a historical (/an ir reversible) trend;the general course of development;the general trend of events;the trend of the times
❍ 国璋在前清时代,本非主张革命之人,遇辛亥事起,~,造成民国。(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》111) I was not a supporter of Republicanism in the former Qing Dynasty but the pressure of events created a republic at the time of the Revolution of 1911./维新变法,~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—56) The general trend today apparently calls for reforms in government.
❍ 现在的~,人心所向,是和平、民主与独立。(《周恩来选集》上—249) At present,peace,democracy and independence are the major trend and the will of the people.


the general world trend(/trend of the international and internal situation)


be dictated by the general trend;under the pressure of the general trend; in the face of an irresistible trend;pushed by the general trend of events (or the tide of history)

大势所趋dà shì suǒ qū

趋:向,往。指整个局势的趋向。be the general trend, as things go generally, the trend of the times, the general trend of events





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