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单词 pigeon
释义 pigeon /'pidjin; 'pidjan/ n 1 bird, wild or tame, of the dove family: 领子: 'carrier- ~ 'homing- ~, kind trained to carry messages or bred for sport. 传信鸽。 → the illus at bird. 参看 bird 之插图。 ' ~- breasted adj (of a person) having a bulging, convex chest. (指人)有鸽曲的; 有鸡胸的。 '~-toed adj (of a person) having the toes turned inwards. (指人)脚趾向内胄的; 足内翻的。 '~ hole n one of a set of small open boxes for keeping papers in. 文件架的格架。 vt put (papers, etc) in a ~ hole and ignore or forget them; postpone consideration of: 将(文件)放在架中并置之不理; 搁置: The scheme was ~ holed. 那计划被拦置了。 2 clay ~,disc thrown up into the air as a mark for shooting. 飞靶(动到空中作射击目标的泥饼)。 3 simpleton; easily deceived person. 愚人; 容易受编的人。 4 ('stool-) ~, cstool. 5 'ones ~, = one's pidgin, pidgin(2).




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