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单词 大做文章

大做文章dà zuò wén zhāng

blow (/play) up;kick up a rumpus (/an uproar) about; leap and dance on; make a big (/great) fuss (/to-do/row/noise) about; make a big fanfare over; make a big issue of; make full use of sth for one’s own ends; turn out much propaganda
❍ 但是像他那样抓住这一点 “~”,那就是蒙蔽读者,而不是阐明争论的问题。But“to leap and dance” on this question as he does means to throw dust in the eyes of the reader,and not to clear up disputed quentions.
❍ 别在小事上~。Don’t make a great fuss about trifles.
❍ 他们的代表在表决程序上~,想给会议设置层层障碍。Their represen tative made a big to-do about the voting procedure in an attempt to place obstacles in the way of the conference.
❍ 不然他们要利用“八大”~。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—155) …or otherwise they would have made use of the Eighth Congress for their own ends.


make a big noise (or fuss)about sth;kick up a fuss(or a shindy,rumpus)about sth

大做文章做(作)dà zuò wén zhānɡ

比喻就某一个事情借题发挥,大发议论。make a big issue of ,kick up a rumpus about something, blow up, leap and dance on, make a big fuss about, kick up a big fuss





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